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What Is Your Dog Scared Of?


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My Gilly is afraid of squeeky toys.

But he gets excited when he hears a rat or a mouse.

When he heard an Anichinus last week he got really excited.

So it seems its only artificial squeeks he doesnt like.

He is also terrified of the nail clippers, he has to be knocked out to get his nails done.

Many have schoffed and said he is only little, he is a little ball of muscle, when it comes to nails.

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Labsrule Mason was also terrified of the vacuum cleaner at first but he outgrew that and now play bows to it and wants it to play :rofl:

The only thing he is scared of now is bobtails, I know when one is in the yard as he makes this low growling sound and he runs around like mad and his legs shake.

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Labsrule Mason was also terrified of the vacuum cleaner at first but he outgrew that and now play bows to it and wants it to play :laugh:

The only thing he is scared of now is bobtails, I know when one is in the yard as he makes this low growling sound and he runs around like mad and his legs shake.

Yeah I expect (hope) that he will grow out of it as funnily enough all my other Lab pups have been the same :rofl: they were very confident outgoing pups, Fitzy more so than any of them, but they were all scared of the vacuum cleaner initially, but over time they got over it, so hopefully Tana will do the same. He is really funny with motorbikes, not so much scared, but gets really excited and actually stops when he hears one and when it comes into view he wants to run after it when we are on our walks :D and starts jumping around in a highly excited state in the car if a motorbike pulls up beside us or behind us :) .

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We had a Lab who was not scared of anything much...except...GUITARS! :rofl:

My daughter brought her guitar outside one day and Tazer ran a mile. He tentatively came back, and we were all laughing hysterically, she plucked a string and he ran off again. It was hilarious. He ended up hiding his head under my arm and sat in my lap and wouldn't move till the guitar was away. Happened every time he saw it.

I don't know where this all came from as he'd never seen one in his life before, and with 3 young kids the dogs are pretty used to everything.

I was told that the sound of a guitar can hurt a dog's ears...my dog Jess hates acoustic guitars. She is also scared of vacuums and she came to us with a fear of being picked up.

Tilly is afraid of head collars and advantix and not much else. Last week on a walk she did this tough girl growl and got her hackles up when she was looking at a kayak on top of a car (it had this big metal bar type thing holding it up). I had never heard her growl like that before, so I was thinking there must have been a cat or dog hiding in the bushes nearby, but there wasn't anything, so after we walked past the car and saw nothing I walked back around to the side of the car and let Tilly check it out. She stuck her head out and curiously sniffed towards the car, so I think she was ok after that.

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Akira is afraid of a lot of things at the moment. Mostly it's the vacuum cleaner, washing machine and microwave, though it used to include the heater and dishwasher as well. She's slowly getting better with them though.

TBH, when we first got her she was scared of us as well, so I don't think she was very well socialised and all of the things she's scared of are "occassional" things that don't necessarily happen every day.

I know how you feel whiskedaway. Edward was 11 months old when I got him and he was afraid of everything :rofl: Definitely not socialised at all. But that was five years ago and now the only things he's scared of are storms. He lays on the bed and quivers alot when there's a storm around. A friend who was a vet who took time off work and stayed at my place for a week early on and then training and a behaviourist were really helpful.

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thought this thread would be good for a first post. Hi!

my lab is a little bit scarred of vacum cleaners but will tolerate it in the same room, but the funniest fear was his first squeaky toy, was playing with it happily having fun rolling it around till it squeaked and he ran off and hid behind the couch everytime it did it for a couple of days, then we couldnt get him to stop sqeaking once he was used to it became his favourite noise.

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Akira is afraid of a lot of things at the moment. Mostly it's the vacuum cleaner, washing machine and microwave, though it used to include the heater and dishwasher as well. She's slowly getting better with them though.

TBH, when we first got her she was scared of us as well, so I don't think she was very well socialised and all of the things she's scared of are "occassional" things that don't necessarily happen every day.

How old is Akira at the moment whiskedaway?

She's four months old. So only a pup, and I expect her to be scared of things as she goes through the fear periods. I just think it was more difficult for her because I'm pretty sure she'd never been inside a house when we got her at 10 weeks so everything was a bit strange.

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my late "big bad pitbull" jake was terrified of those small brown beetles that hiss when they are disrurbed. they l are pale tan and look like a sphere cut in two with a head and lovely antennae and legs attached. jako investigated one as it scurried across the carpet.. it hiossed and mr jake shot out of the house and would only peer in around teh door jam... whn i called him into the lounge again he leaped onto the settee.. and searhced around looking for his mortal foe..

it was seriously funny to see


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Balloons :eek:

Winnie will run laps around them or stand and look at them but soon as it moves she bolts, she runs like there is no tomorrow ;)

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I just thought of something else that Satchmo is petrified of.... automatic doors. He just hates doors that open by themselves. We have to be careful walking down the main street past shops because he freaks out when the doors open when we walk past ;)

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Karma is storm phobic... thank god I live in an arid area so not many storms here.

Wally lives in fear that all the dog food in the world will suddenly vanish - hence his obsession with stealing food lol

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My Gilly is afraid of squeeky toys.

But he gets excited when he hears a rat or a mouse.

When he heard an Anichinus last week he got really excited.

So it seems its only artificial squeeks he doesnt like.

He is also terrified of the nail clippers, he has to be knocked out to get his nails done.

Many have schoffed and said he is only little, he is a little ball of muscle, when it comes to nails.

I'm glad I'm not the only one with a toenail phobia.

While the vet and I were down on the floor wrestling Kaisie for a nail clip last week, I was in the verge of asking her if we should just jab her instead. ;)

We never get them all done in one go. :laugh:

No wonder I had problems trying to do it on my own. She's 30+kgs of muscle.

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My Gilly is afraid of squeeky toys.

But he gets excited when he hears a rat or a mouse.

When he heard an Anichinus last week he got really excited.

So it seems its only artificial squeeks he doesnt like.

He is also terrified of the nail clippers, he has to be knocked out to get his nails done.

Many have schoffed and said he is only little, he is a little ball of muscle, when it comes to nails.

I'm glad I'm not the only one with a toenail phobia.

While the vet and I were down on the floor wrestling Kaisie for a nail clip last week, I was in the verge of asking her if we should just jab her instead. ;)

We never get them all done in one go. :laugh:

No wonder I had problems trying to do it on my own. She's 30+kgs of muscle.

We have never been able to have Jessie's nails clipped :laugh: ...years ago we took her to the vet and they were like "yeah we will cut her nails", then when it was obvious that Jess didn't want them cut they changed to saying "oh she doesn't need them done" ...yeah right! :laugh: . I bought some clippers a while ago and my dad is still trying to psych himself up to do it. When he feels up to the job, Jess will definitely need to wear a muzzle and it still won't be an easy task.

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As of today sneaky plastic bottles hiding in the backyard.

It is her plastic bottle that I moved to into the garden bed so the lawn could be mown.

Later in the back yard she spotted it and put on her full brovardo barking to tell it this is her back yard and it had better move on. When no movement was forthcoming she gathered the courage to approach it and move it on herself. She then realized what it was and left it alone.

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Kobi is afraid of different floor surfaces and my vacuum cleaner, thats about it!!

Took him quite a while to get used to my wooden floors here and even longer to get used to the tiles in the bathroom! He walks on them as if he is about fall off them or something ;)

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Kobi is afraid of different floor surfaces and my vacuum cleaner, thats about it!!

Took him quite a while to get used to my wooden floors here and even longer to get used to the tiles in the bathroom! He walks on them as if he is about fall off them or something ;)

You've done better than me then, mine will not walk on tiles, period :laugh: He won't even go within about 30cm of the bathroom because he knows it's full of tiles.

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