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Is There Anything You Can Use/spray To Deter Dogs Toiletting?


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Tomorrow is the first day of Operation Stop-crapping-on-my-deck with the new foster dog. I have been told about products that REMOVE the smell of wee and poo, but is there anything you can use to deter them from going there in the first place? It can't be too strong because the dogs eat and sleep on the deck. But I was thinking maybe if I sprayed "Oust" or air freshener or something similar on the deck if it might deter her when she sniffs around before going to the toilet. Any ideas?

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It might work with Tilly, but my own four terrorists would rip it to shreds in seconds and unfortunately they are all sharing the space. :)

Edited by Kirty
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I am trying to think of something else that is tough and cheap.

What about using the Bunnings compost bin panels to fence off most of the area? I use cable ties to connect mine and then cable tie them to the nearest upright.

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I don't really want it to be aversive as such. Thats why I thought something like Oust might deter them if they really smell the ground, but won't affect them if they are just hanging out. I spray Oust on my bathmats to stop the cats pissing on them, but it doesn't stop them from sleeping on them. :cry: But maybe it might upset the dogs. Hmmm. I could block off the deck but then I have to somehow get the cubby (where the dogs sleep) off the deck! LOL!

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Lavendar will work for a lot pf dogs and cats amd I have used this often inside my home with rescues. Wash the area with an enzyme based cleaner to remove the odour and then place a few drops of lavendar around. You will need to use the lavendar daily i have found until they have totally stopped. With some, it works immediately and with others it takes a few days. With others still it doesn't work at all. Lavendar wont harm them and they don't hate it, they just have an aversion to toileting over it.

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