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Puppy Is Doing Weird Sprints ...


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Now and then, Elbie picks up his cloth chew toy and likes to sprint back and forth for the length of the room. It's a bit dark but you can see a video of an example

. He doesn't seem angry/distressed/upset/aggressive - weirdly enough he seems to be doing exercise or something ... He ignores us and is completely focussed on his sprints ..

If there are hard surfaces, he will skid to a stop in time and then change direction and keep running. In the video above, there are empty card board boxes at one end of the room and he seems to enjoy crashing into them (they don't hurt him because they're empty) but if there was a wall or a door, he would definitely stop short. The running is quite precise and he'll stop and start in the same spot.

He can be interrupted with a request to sit/drop and you can pluck him up without him seeming fussed, but he likes jogging back and forth with his cloth chew toy in his mouth.

He gets exercise during the day - running around the yard/house with us, short sessions of obedience training and also short walks. After he's done with his sprint sessions, he'll plonk down in my OH's lap and chew on a toy ...

Edited by koalathebear
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awww... he has the zoomies!!! it's nothing serious.. LOL

a lot of puppies do that... and a lot of adult does it too. it's crazy to watch.

Emmy does it and she is crazy fast. I sometimes join her with the running around, and sometimes she has a toy that she does the zoomies around, but most of the time, she is just running in circles in the yard!!

if he is slipping and sliding.. maybe you should take him outside so he can run around.

i know quite a few people who has some injuries when their dogs does the zoomies... my mum walked out to the backyard a few years back when the dogs were doing the zoomies, they knocked her over and she sprained her ankle...

Edited by CW EW
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It's night time right now and raining so we can't take him outside! :thumbsup: I didn't realise that that's what the zoomies looked like inside - we've seen the zoomies outside in the yard where he hurtles around like a crazy loon but *in* the house it always looks so precise that we had no idea that that was the zoomies :thumbsup:

Edited by koalathebear
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It is called 'doing ZOOMIES'.. technical term :thumbsup: and is perfectly normal . Just make sure pup cannot injure himself on anything too nasty .. and let him rip!

Dogs NEED to get a lot of exercise- especially as they grow.

Young, growing dogs also need to learn how to control speed and direction ..and to experience controlled crashes/tackles,skids.

It is the way they learn how their body works, and what they can do with it !

Basically, it is 'play', and very important.

Also- he is cute now, but in 10 mths time- do you want him climbing on your lap to chew a bone? ..... if not, then now is a good time to teach him commands- and make sure he knows his crate or bed is the BEST spot for chewing bones, etc :thumbsup:

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Won't he go in the rain? It won't really hurt him to run in the rain :laugh:

Haha, HE would definitely run in the rain ... it's just the pain of wet paw prints and mud that I'm trying to avoid :cool:

Young, growing dogs also need to learn how to control speed and direction ..and to experience controlled crashes/tackles,skids. It is the way they learn how their body works, and what they can do with it !

Thanks for that - I feel better now. His 'zoomies' in the yard always seem quite unstructured so his indoor zoomies made me worry that he we had OCD Puppy or something because he was just so precise about where he stopped each time. He doesn't hurt himself because he's very good about stopping - except with the empty cardboard boxes which he loves to crash into. My OH says that Elbie must be training to be a stunt dog or something.

Also- he is cute now, but in 10 mths time- do you want him climbing on your lap to chew a bone? ..... if not, then now is a good time to teach him commands- and make sure he knows his crate or bed is the BEST spot for chewing bones, etc

He's already getting pretty hefty! He knows "go to your mat", "go to your crate" and "down" and will obey all of the above pretty promptly - although he's sometimes a little bit naughty with the 'down' command. He definitely knows he's not supposed to jump up on the sofa. As to the lap thing ... my OH sits and plays with him on the floor and he just loves letting Elbie play in his lap even though I keep warning him that when Elbie's bigger and heavier it's not going to be so fun :eek:


I sometimes join her with the running around

I'm impressed! I wish I could keep up with Elbie! He runs like the wind!

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Guest belgian.blue

My two do crazy zoomies together! Either in the loungeroom, outside, on my bed :cool:

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