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Would You Do This To Your Dog?

Perry's Mum

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I wouldn't, there's something disrespectful about it in my opinion... for both the dog and the tiger.

Just my opinion though! Each to their own :)

How is it disrespectful in your opinion? Serious question.

I tend to think that while the wealthy in China are celebrating their dogs as gorgeous endangered animals, they're not exactly eating them. Puts the spotlight on dogs AND animals in the wild. To me that's a really good thing. I'd be concerned about what dyes they're using but it's a good start.

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They are just fantastic. The Master Groomers association run competitions and have creative grooming like this as part of those. Apparantly there are strict rules regarding dyes etc and they use vegetable colorings. You can have anything you like, cartoon charaters are popular too

The general public must be asking for this now too it seems, I can imagine it would be rather expensive. The groomers spend months in preparation for the competition

Edited by helen
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How ironic. The Chinese want their dogs to look like tigers, meanwhile they are the ones driving them to extinction.

I love it ! What would I call it if I wanted to put it into a competition?

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as a groomer i can tell you that like dog shows there are grooming shows too, the main classes are for showing off grooming skills like hand scissoring and what not (like there is a section where groomers have to do pedigree dogs in show coats, we can be lazy and do a smooth coat but its mainly poodles and bedlingtons (sp??) ect) then there is a fun side like creative grooming like where you see poodles with spirals up there legs hand cut in and words shaved into the coat and ofcourse coat colouring with proper pet dyes, this stuff colours realy quick and often dosent take longer then a bath to do so its not upsetting the dogs at all - i did my mini foxie in blue and green ivy for my first comp and he loved the attention! this isnt a common practise and i have never had a person come in and say 'please make my lab look like a elephant!' LOL so -even though no one here is saying it - i get mad when people are like thats so degrading to the dog and how wouls the dog feel walking round like that, last i checked they never noticed the difference (how funny would it be if all the other dogs at the park ran in fear seeing a 'tiger' coming at them!) you have to think how fantastic a groomer is that that can do such a complicated pattern on a dog as those ones, i got sent a email with pics from a grroming comp in the states where dogs were clipped and dyed into all different thing it looked amazing!!!! my main problem is everytime i want to dye one of my sheps a different colour we have a show coming up and i cant enter them in the ring like that!!!!

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How ironic. The Chinese want their dogs to look like tigers, meanwhile they are the ones driving them to extinction.

:cry: So true.

Personally, I believe that if one chooses to own dogs then one would want them to look like their own species. I have nothing against this providing the animal is not under duress and is not stressing; it would take an enormous amount of patience on the part of the dog to have this done as it would be quite time consuming I would imagine but hey, if the animal is content so be it. I don't believe in subjecting a dog to this on a frequent basis though. It is one thing to brush a dog daily (which probably requires 10-15 mins) and the occasional necessary bathing and perhaps clipping but to have it sit there for however long in order to have it look like another animal is kinda silly.

Edited by Moselle
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:happydance: I would...and it wouldn't bother my dogs as they love the attention. Bronx spent most of a day at an expo dressed up as superman...with kids flapping his cape and everything :thumbsup: ...hmm...i should find what i've done with that... :)
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as a groomer i can tell you that like dog shows there are grooming shows too, the main classes are for showing off grooming skills like hand scissoring and what not (like there is a section where groomers have to do pedigree dogs in show coats, we can be lazy and do a smooth coat but its mainly poodles and bedlingtons (sp??) ect) then there is a fun side like creative grooming like where you see poodles with spirals up there legs hand cut in and words shaved into the coat and ofcourse coat colouring with proper pet dyes, this stuff colours realy quick and often dosent take longer then a bath to do so its not upsetting the dogs at all - i did my mini foxie in blue and green ivy for my first comp and he loved the attention! this isnt a common practise and i have never had a person come in and say 'please make my lab look like a elephant!' LOL so -even though no one here is saying it - i get mad when people are like thats so degrading to the dog and how wouls the dog feel walking round like that, last i checked they never noticed the difference (how funny would it be if all the other dogs at the park ran in fear seeing a 'tiger' coming at them!) you have to think how fantastic a groomer is that that can do such a complicated pattern on a dog as those ones, i got sent a email with pics from a grroming comp in the states where dogs were clipped and dyed into all different thing it looked amazing!!!! my main problem is everytime i want to dye one of my sheps a different colour we have a show coming up and i cant enter them in the ring like that!!!!

could you please post those pics you got sent in an email :happydance: I'd love to see them!

and to answer the original question... I think its great! I don't really consider it much different to dressing one's children up :thumbsup:

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