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Beagles Shedding!


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Hi team,

I have a tiled floor, with a matting of beagle hair carpet. OMG do these guys shed. Its unbelievable. My question is though, how do i get it off my clothes/towels that I wash? I cant get the hair off anything!!! Any help would be greatly appreciated!!!

Kind Regards,


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Yup... They are real shedders! And that hair gets stuck in EVERYTHING! (My first dog was a beagle).

I know the dryer can get some hairs off the clothes... But you don't want to be drying everything in the dryer! $$$$!

Aside from that, a good sticky roller might help, but the hairs are so harsh that they do tend to stick into things like a pin so they're hard to pull off.

Maybe some current short-haired dog owners might have some better advice?

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Clothes dryer :D

Another thing you can try is to buy a roll of cheap packing tape ($10 for 9 rolls at Australia Post). You wrap the tape around your hand with the sticky side outwards and then kind of blot the hair out. Works heaps better than a roller and cheaper too :mad

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Pug hair is the same. I do chuck their bedding in the dryer, as there is no other fantastic way to get it off. On other things (like my clothes) I use the zoom groom or a rubber glove.

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I don't own a beagle but do have a couple of carpet makers. I wash the washing machine out after I do the dog's bedding. That helps reduce the unwanted hair on the clothes being washed after that. Then once the clothes have been washed and are still damp, I take them outside and shake them a couple of times. It helps get rid of a lot of the loose hair that hasn't been washed out.

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Hi team,

I have a tiled floor, with a matting of beagle hair carpet. OMG do these guys shed. Its unbelievable. My question is though, how do i get it off my clothes/towels that I wash? I cant get the hair off anything!!! Any help would be greatly appreciated!!!

Kind Regards,


You can get hair off clothes now???

Wow I gave up on that years ago :D

Seriously though, aside from doing a load of just water after washing doggie things and then putting your stuff in, your pretty much going to have to except your fate.

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Try owning a Sibe :cry: omg there was hair everywhere and we had to vaccuum everyday and even now 3 weeks after she went to the rainbow bridge we are still picking up stray hairs :cry:

But we found the dryer the best way but we also used duct tape for last minute emergencies.

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