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Washing Puppy Piddled Blankets, Foam Beds Etc


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I would like to know what everyone uses to wash the puppy bedding, mats, etc to stop them going back to the same item and piddling on it again?

Jorja was only just toilet trained before she was desexed. Now I need to retrain her. She had trouble the first week after the desexing by either being in pain or had an infection. She was put on meticam which helped her become her old self, well five months old old self.

I have used towels, bathroom mats (rubber backed), carpet mats etc and have washed them in either normal washing powder, vinegar which hasn't hlped her stop piddling on any item.

She is back to being crated and it is working again but I have all these mats, beds, towels, etc., etc that need washing again but I would like to try something else in the hope it will help.

Looking forward to reading your replies

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Have you thought she may not be 'just' doing it- but may have an/other irritation/ infection post surgery?

Put her on newspaper ..lots of layers .. it is warm enough- and if piddled on, can be thrown out or composted :D When she is dry- then she gets bedding back :mad

Idon't bother with bedding unless dogs are dry and don't chew.

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When ive got an unhoused trained dog I always use very easily washed polar fleece blankets or similar. They are washed and go straight in the dryer. Ive never had a problem, I jsut have a huge collection of doggie blankies LOL. I dont use foam or a mat that cant be easily washed until they are reliably housetained. I buy them from Big W. The really soft ones are $10 each, the cheaper ones are 2 for $14. If you had half a dozen it would be easy enough to change them everyday, and wash once a week. I have a washing basket jsut for pet bedding etc and throw it thriugh the machine when ive got enough for a load.

Snowysal also makes brilliant doggy doonas that wash up very easily. I have a ton of those too.

I currently have 2 unhousebroken dogs plus two more that are jsut newspaper trained, so Im the queen of piddled blankies LOL

Edited by indigirl
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Gamby, it is a bit hard washing the foam filled type mats, maybe even old flattened cardboard boxes, with some op shop blankets on would be ok too , I wash my dog's blanket'sin a bit of napisan and rinse in water with a few drops of either lavender oil or eucalyptus oil in the water,

if your pup has peed or pood on carpettry a bit of carb soda sprinkled on after cleaning, that should take odour out.


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I used this stay dry matting see http://www.dogbedsgalore.com.au/product/SM. What I did was buy a Pet Pouffe from the same site which has removable washable covers and then I bought an extra cover. I put the stay dry matting between the bed insert and the cover and this kept the dog bed insert dry and kept the puppy dry if it peed on its bed. In cases of these accidents I just removed the cover and the stay dry matting - washed both and set up the bed in the same way - this was a great stress saver for me our our pup - but especially my husband!

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I used Bio-Zet after reading about it on Dol, my kitties took to peeing on my bathmats. They still did it when I used normal detergent but seem to have stopped after using Bio-Zet. I used it to washed the tiles underneath as well. I put camphor blocks in the dog doona they took to piddling on as well. The dogs didn't seem to like their beds with it in so maybe that would help, but make sure puppy cant get to it and eat the blocks.

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