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Walking In The Rain


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Walked Shyla for half an hour in the rain today, we both wore jackets. Someone commented on 'wow she's a lucky dog, who walks in the rain!' and we didn't see any other walkers at all.

Who else sticks to their walking routine even when it's wet and horrible? I actually enjoyed it in the end!

Here's some pics :thumbsup:

Not too wet yet


"I'm pretty drenched mum!"


"Take me in and dry me plz, woof!"


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I don't actually have a dog yet, but when we finally do get one walks will be in rain, hail or shine. I've actually been looking at dog raincoats for next winter and there are so many different kinds!

I love your pics! Happy dog :thumbsup:

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I don't really have a choice. Either I walk the dog, or he is likely to destroy my house lol.

It amazes me too, we see a couple of other dog walkers, always the same ones when it's raining, and we always wonder what the other dogs do. Maybe it depends on breed. The greyhound owners often comment that their dogs can happily miss a walk a couple of days a week, but some of the working breeds just go mental without lots of exercise.

My dog doesn't have a raincoat anymore, he managed to tear it up in some bushes but luckily he has a very short coat. We got so wet the other day I could wring water out of my clothes lol - and that was with an umbrella :s

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Rain, hail or shine here. Heidi has a drizabone that we sometimes use, but when it's bucketing down, there is no point, especially if she is running free. On this particular day, it was pouring hard. When we got home, she wouldn't run to the front door from the garage..... incase she got wet! I don't particularly love the rainy days, but she appreciates it. Better off giving her a walk or free run, or else she is full of mischief for the entire day. Sometimes I go twice a day when it's wet. And I do love the fact that nobody is ever around on these days, so thats a bonus I guess.



The funny shake off... nearly lost her whole head! 4708685992_760cfc9c4f.jpg

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I have two who will walk whatever the weather, but Nash (GSP) despises the rain and won't go out in it at all. He gets all excited when you put his lead on but get to the end of the verandah and its raining then its all stopped thank you very much. He plants all four feet very firmly and starts to head back inside, the only thing that will move him off the verandah is pulling the car keys out so he thinks he is going for a drive in the car, then he walks no further than the cars in the driveway. We have been caught in the rain a few times walking and the walk home is at double time. Once we got caught in a summer squall, the wind whipped up and the rain was really driving into our faces, we were still a good half hour from home. Nash kept turning looking at me and barking his woo woo wooo noise as if to say "you silly woman, this is a fine mess you have gotten us into". If it is raining and he needs to go to the toilet I go out with him and hold an umbrella over him or he won't go off my back porch and I worry that his bladder will burst. :thumbsup:

Great pics of Heidi VJB, especially the head shake one. I think next time its raining I will drive Nash to the dog park and see how he goes.

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Depends how bad the rain is. I have been in situations where it started bucketing down half way through the walk. Chip apparently doesn't like walking when its raining too heavily so he sits and watches it in protest or admiration (not really sure which)! :eek: But I don't really fancy carrying him the 3km journey home again!

Generally if its raining lightly we do a smaller walk (just in case it gets too heavy and we're far away) but if its bucketing down and windy I sit on the couch and thow the tennis ball down the hallway for them to fetch for half an hour or so :D

Also, if I were to bring a rain jacket out for Chip he'd hide under the bed because he's a big girls blouse and apparently its scary :thumbsup:

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I walk in the rain. Nelsson doesn't care. When I was living somewhere else Nelsson and Ari loved going for walks in the rain and running flat out through puddles when off lead. I even go to the beach to walk when it is raining :thumbsup:

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Love the pics!!

My two gets walks in the rain... although if Charlie doesn't want to walk, we don't make him.

He doesn't mind the rain but hates being wet... he will walk in the rain, but there better with a towel and the hair dryer by the door waiting for him!

Emmy gets 2 walks a day. Doesn't matter the time or weather. She loves the rain and loves rolling around in wet grass. She loves the rain so much, she jumps in the shower with me nearly every night :thumbsup:

Kinda sucks for me though... I walk them separately so if it's raining, sometimes I have to walk around the block 4 times. I really do hate the rain.

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I walk in the rain, dogs don't care :thumbsup:

A few weeks ago it was 4 degrees and raining on a morning here in good ol' Canberra. I went up to the local reserve and walked up the hill in sleet :D Strangely enough, two of the other regular walkers were up there as well so at least I had company!! :eek:

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In the time I have had Skye (9 mths) we have only had 2 days of teaming rain in which I refused to walk! Good ol WA weather :thumbsup:

Love Shyla's coat - will have to invest in one for Skye as I normally walk every morning (we start in the dark at 6.30am) and

irrespective of weather. Getting colder here now - only 2deg this morning but a beautiful sunny day. :eek:

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VJB - Heidi looks like she is having an absolute blast!

I still walk Kody in the rain. He has a coat and he doesn't seem to mind the rain as long as we are on our walk.

But if we are home and he needs to toilet in the rain, well he isn't impressed in the slightest! Perhaps I should get an umbrella for him :thumbsup:

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My boys absolutely love a run in the rain and the mud ... even better when they come running back to me so they can shake the mud off (all over me of course) before going to find some more!!!!

I am not sure who is wetter at the end of the walk ... but usually I have the hydrobath warming while we are away so we all get a nice warm bath when we get back.

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I enjoy walking my dog in the rain more than walking when its not raining. Thunderstorms are my favourite things in the world. I find the whole experience refreshing and energising. Once a weather report says storm on the way, its jump in the car and head off to the coast to the great ocean road.

The more terrible the storm the more I like it. I was worried that my weird obsession with thunder and lightning would make it difficult finding a dog who wasn't frightened. But no problems there, he is happy to be with me in the thick of it, and even the loudest ground shaking blasts don't bother him in the slightest.

Nothing beats coming home after a cold wet day/night in the great outdoors to a warm home and a hot meal :thumbsup:

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