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Puppy Smells.....solutions?

Rocky Balboa

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Hi peoples!

Have 2 new puppies, little Staffy and Golden Retriever, both are well toilet trained and making their mess in a particular grass spot which I have allocated just for them!

Trouble is, after picking up their mess in a poop scoop....the smell is still lingering out back? Anyone have any ideas how to get rid of the smell? I know its outdoors, but can still notice it when we're out the back in the patio?

ITs definately not the dogs smelling themselves! Its the mess they've made on the grass!

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With poo picked up/bagged,there should not be much smell ,unless their poo is sloppy and clinging to the grass/ground. Pup poo shoul be just like miniature adult dog poo... nice firm shaped little logs :mad

Sprinkling baking powder around will kill off the grass .., AFAIK. it will drastically change the pH of the soil ....

Perhaps you just need to get accustomed to what the next 14 yrs is going to smell like ? :D

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we have had good success with dolomite lime (as suggested by other DOLers). I don't sprinkle it on the grass though, but I put it in the garden beds where the poop goes after picking it up off the lawn. I was desperate to find something because I could smell our garden from the street and now I can't so I think its working. Apparently its good for the garden too.

THere are different limes, so you have to make sure you get the dolomite lime, so I've been told. if you search for it here there have been a few discussions about it. the packet I have said to sprinkle on then water in , but I've just spinkled over the garden beds and left it (because my pup doesn't go anywhere near it, but someone said it was safe around dogs but still best to check)

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I find that my dog poops are wet and clingy to grass in the wet weather ,for this I just dig up a little soil from the back of my yard and cover the poopy grass patches. Smell doesn't stay.

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I do the same as you Fleuri, pick up with old long tong's bag and then bin, and sprinkle some dirt where he's been, that works ok for me also.


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