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Trying A Chicken Free Diet To Stop Itchy Dry Skin


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Mike Shipston at West Chermside Specialist Vets is very good.

I realise that you believe that diet is the cause of the problem but have you also tried washing your dog with Malaseb (according to instructions)??

Dry flakey skin can have other causes and Malaseb is good for so many things including that!

:cool: Thank you for this, I might take him to see the derm guy and see what he has to say about his skin.

I find a lot of conflicting advice on here. But I guess it just proves that all dogs are different.

:eek: Yes, go to the Dermatologist!!! I have spent $2000 at the vet treating my 19mth GSD for "possible" food allergy, "possible" flea allergy and "possible" contact allergy........... and the list goes on :laugh:. We now go to a Dermatologist and no, we're still working out what's causing her allergy, but we do know it's not food, flea's or contact allergy. She has an atopic dermatitis which seems to have settled at the moment, however if/when it starts again (seasonal ???) we are going for the skin test and hopefully vaccine. When I think of the money I have spent with my vet trying to guess what's causing her allergy I think a Dermatolgist is money well spent :rofl:

That is true, I spent loads at the vet for various things not realising his recurrent ear infections were also part of his allergies!

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Would the hormones [ie example chemicals] that chickens are fed cause an allergic reation in our dogs, not the actual chicken meat?

Chickens haven't been fed hormones in Australia since the 1970's, however they do get anti-biotics.

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Mike Shipston at West Chermside Specialist Vets is very good.

I realise that you believe that diet is the cause of the problem but have you also tried washing your dog with Malaseb (according to instructions)??

Dry flakey skin can have other causes and Malaseb is good for so many things including that!

:) Thank you for this, I might take him to see the derm guy and see what he has to say about his skin.

I find a lot of conflicting advice on here. But I guess it just proves that all dogs are different.

I don't think there's any conflicting advice. Just people who actually have had allergic dogs for a long time trying to help you not waste your money on something that's not going to give you clear indication.

Go for the Derm :o

It is conflicting, what is the cause for one, isn't the other, what works for one doesn't the other etc. Thats what I meant. All dogs are different, which is why maybe my vet thinks it could be chix only, who knows. But I will try and get into to see Mike at QLD specialist vets next week.

Thank you all again for your advise and help it's all greatly appreciated.

Edited by meluchja
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One of mine had itching skin for a while. Tried many things, but found the EP Fish formula really good for him. I even used it as the treats or tinned fish to keep with the same protein source. I think there are possibly many allergens and its just (in my tiny bit of experience) keeping the contact (food or otherwise) down below a certain threshold. Below the threshold, the symptoms are controlled. Now that its better his diet is a bit more varied.

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One of mine had itching skin for a while. Tried many things, but found the EP Fish formula really good for him. I even used it as the treats or tinned fish to keep with the same protein source. I think there are possibly many allergens and its just (in my tiny bit of experience) keeping the contact (food or otherwise) down below a certain threshold. Below the threshold, the symptoms are controlled. Now that its better his diet is a bit more varied.

I'm still hoping this might be enough for my boy, I'm glad it is working for you.

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Oh another thing you could try, but remember this will add more protein sources into the mix is this:


My other dog a couple of years ago developed a really dry coat and dandruff too. She wasn't th itchy one. Tried many things. I think the two things that really helped her was Malaseb shampoo (used as instructed for about three shampoos, only once a week), and the "Well being for Dogs". I give both my dogs, the other itchy one too, "Well being for Dogs" every day. her coat too is so much nicer and blacker as it should be. I also don't bath them very often now. Many people think we over bath dogs, so i cut it down to once a month or even longer.

Hope this helps.

Edited by chuckie500
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I would be eliminating grains first (ie most forms of kibble) and putting the dog on fish oils or megaderm.

Try one thing at a time. If you dog has dry, itchy skin then stop bathing him while you are working out whether it's food related or not. The build up of oils can only help and it will stop you confusing yourself while you work out what the cause is.

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Thank you everyone. I thought the same thing about the grains myself. I have a bag of grainfree Salmon kibble coming, I only bought a 2.2kg to see if he like it. I personally don't like the idea of feeding him grains anyway. I used to have him on a barf only diet, it did help his skin, but didn't stop it.

I will let you all know how I get on with everything. I'm definitely going to give the derm. specialist a go, and see what they say. In the mean time I'm going to try the Malesb shampoo with a Alpha Kerri Oil rinse and see how that goes.

Thank you again to everyone that has helped and offered their advice, greatly apprecitated. :rofl:

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If your dog only has itchy skin, and not a skin infection, don't use the malaseb. Its medicated and quite harsh and will only dry him out further. If he does have skin infection its important to use the right medicated shampoo... Go see the derm before adding in any of this new stuff, you can make things worse throwing random bits at the dog and also limit your options of what you can use later...

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Hi - If your dog has a possible allergy, with DRY skin... I would not be bathing him ... maybe in plain warm water,if he smells...

malaseb is used to treat skin conditions/infections where the skin gets oily and smelly and itchy.. it is wonderful when used under vet advice, for specific conditions.

as you are going to see a dermatologist- and they need to see the dog's skin 'au naturelle' it would be wise to NOT bath/oil./ etc at all . When you do any of these things , it will change the appearance/function of the skin, and may well hide symptoms that the derm. needs to make an accurate diagnosis

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I'm off to the vet this morning, my poor little boy is scratchy like mad :rofl: , I'm finding balls of hair everywhere, and it is really bothering him ATM. Fingers crossed we can get the referal today and see the derm. asap.

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Mike Shipston at West Chermside Specialist Vets is very good.

I realise that you believe that diet is the cause of the problem but have you also tried washing your dog with Malaseb (according to instructions)??

Dry flakey skin can have other causes and Malaseb is good for so many things including that!

:rofl: Thank you for this, I might take him to see the derm guy and see what he has to say about his skin.

I find a lot of conflicting advice on here. But I guess it just proves that all dogs are different.

I don't think there's any conflicting advice. Just people who actually have had allergic dogs for a long time trying to help you not waste your money on something that's not going to give you clear indication.

Go for the Derm :)

It is conflicting, what is the cause for one, isn't the other, what works for one doesn't the other etc. Thats what I meant. All dogs are different, which is why maybe my vet thinks it could be chix only, who knows. But I will try and get into to see Mike at QLD specialist vets next week.

Thank you all again for your advise and help it's all greatly appreciated.

No one here can tell you what the cause is, you need to go to a Derm :rofl:

Your Vet is wasting your money having you try a Kibble for an elimination, sorry if that offends you, however people here who have been there and done that are trying to save you the money :rofl:

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Mike Shipston at West Chermside Specialist Vets is very good.

I realise that you believe that diet is the cause of the problem but have you also tried washing your dog with Malaseb (according to instructions)??

Dry flakey skin can have other causes and Malaseb is good for so many things including that!

:rofl: Thank you for this, I might take him to see the derm guy and see what he has to say about his skin.

I find a lot of conflicting advice on here. But I guess it just proves that all dogs are different.

I don't think there's any conflicting advice. Just people who actually have had allergic dogs for a long time trying to help you not waste your money on something that's not going to give you clear indication.

Go for the Derm :)

It is conflicting, what is the cause for one, isn't the other, what works for one doesn't the other etc. Thats what I meant. All dogs are different, which is why maybe my vet thinks it could be chix only, who knows. But I will try and get into to see Mike at QLD specialist vets next week.

Thank you all again for your advise and help it's all greatly appreciated.

No one here can tell you what the cause is, you need to go to a Derm :rofl:

Your Vet is wasting your money having you try a Kibble for an elimination, sorry if that offends you, however people here who have been there and done that are trying to save you the money :rofl:

I agree, hopefully I can get the referal this morning, fingers crossed for my boy anyway, he is so aggreviated from the itchiness. Poor bugger

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O.K vet at 9:30 hopefully will have the referal needed to book into the derm, not long after. Then hopefully we can get into the derm. asap. It's breaking my heart to see my baby like this. :cheer::rainbowbridge:

Best of luck, I also wanted to cry watching my dog scratch his little heart out, post back later and let us know what happens

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O.K vet at 9:30 hopefully will have the referal needed to book into the derm, not long after. Then hopefully we can get into the derm. asap. It's breaking my heart to see my baby like this. :cheer::rainbowbridge:

Best of luck, I also wanted to cry watching my dog scratch his little heart out, post back later and let us know what happens

Thank you. Well after a very long discussion, this is our plan of attack. I saw a different Vet than the other day. And he said before referring him onto a derm. that he would like to narrow down the cause of his itching. So he has started him on Prednil twice a day for 5 days, then once a day for another 5 days then every second day for 5 days. So after 15 days, if it hans't stopped his itching completely, then he said it's pretty safe to say it's not caused by Atopic ermatitis or Flea bite dermatitis, and that it is most likely a food allergy, and I can pick up the referal for the derm without paying for another consult. He also said that he should see some relief within 24 hours of starting the medication, so if after 5 days it's made no relief what so ever, I will be ringing and asking for the referal then without waiting for day 15. I will mean him off it earlier, to avoid side effects.

Or on the other hand, if it does work we know it is some sort of atopic dermatitis or flea bite dermtitis. In that case, then I will use Capstar every day for 14 days, if he is still free of the itch, then he knows it is flea related. If not then it is an atopic derm. and he will refer me onto the derm.

I'm happy with this plan of attack. At least we can narrow down the cause of his itch before going onto the derm (if needed). It also isn't going to waste me a lot of money if it doesn't work.

Thank you to everyone who has given me advice. Fingers crossed we can narrow it down soon. Will keep you all up to date with his progress.

Thanks again.

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Good luck, the cortisone did nothing for my dog and he has a bad reaction to it. Can you see any fleas on your dog? My first vet was very unkeen to write a referral for a dermatologist, took me changing vets to get the referral, the derm here in WA will see you without a referral but I have insurance and so I needed the referral.

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