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This Weekend


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This weekend I am helping out at the judging of the Vigex International Photography Salon, which is Geelong's own international photography competition. This competition attracts some outstanding work so I am really looking forward to it. You can see their website here - http://www.vigex.org/

The winning entries will be on display in the Geelong Art Gallery 31st July to 29th August. If you are interested in photography it is worth a look, and last time both the catalogue and the DVD of all accepted entries were available for sale, so come along and take a look

Edited by helen
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I do remember when you posted about this to begin with as I had just taken that shot I have of Cooper jumping the ditch. I was going to enter it but decided not to, wasn't sure if it would have been good enough anyway, enjoy the judging I bet there will be some spectacular work!

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Excellent, just let me know when.

TLC - have you considered joining your local camera club? They normally have competitions etc where you can test your skills and learn a bit too.

Anway, Vigex was great to watch from the judging side, and Geelong has another winner, from the people portrait section which was fantastic. It is amazing watching the judging and discussing some of the best photos. I know the girl who won the portrait section and when it got down to the final few and her print was there it was very exciting :love:

I assisted a judge called Andrew Chapman, which was just perfect for me as I love great photojournalism. He was a photojournalist for some time and now does personal projects including a few books, so was great to see how he viewed the prints. I am now proud owner of a signed copy of his Shearers book :).

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