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hey guys, wanting to hear from Doberman owners with regards which breeder you would recommend.

at this stage everything is purely research as i want to make sure the breed is right for me.

iv heard alot about von forell & their site/info seems pretty good. anyone own one of thier dogs ? also von liston seems to come up abit.

thanks guys.

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I don't have a particular breeder to recommend, but there are some things I would definately be looking for.

do you want working lines, showlines, mix of both?

Makes sure they are health tested, absolutely and definately!

I lost my girl at 8 and a half to DCM. So if I was to get another it would be from lines tested for everything there was to test for!

Goodluck :cry:

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Skunk, it is good you are researching before buying. :(

The two breeds you mention though are very different.

We can help suggest dog breeds that might suit you, if you tell us some more information about what you want in a dog.

Do you want a dog to guard or watch? How much exercise do you want to do each day? How much training each day?

What dogs have you had before, and what did you like and dislike about them?

The two kennels you have mentioned so far really emphasise the courage, drive and toughness of their dogs. Von Listen have working lines.

Working line dogs may be very unsuitable for many people, they can be hard work, so if you can give us some more idea of what you expect the dog to be able to do and how you expect it to act, we can give you much better advice tailored to you specifically.

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rommi & lewis, yeah dogs that are health tested with proof are certainly on the list as a priority. im not necessarily after working lines so to speak as i mainly want a family companion/protector.

the reason im leaning towards the dobe is due to the overall temperament of the dog compared to a staffy which i have been told is a great watch dog but thats about it !

i do intend to do alot of obedience training with whichever breed i end up with & the dog will be mainly an indoor dog.

maybe even some schutzhund training as i know dobes need that sort of stimulation. ultimately id like the dog to be part of the family

i do intend to speak to a few breeders & see if they have dogs that were suitable for my needs as on their websites some only sell to working homes whiles others have dogs suitable for pets etc however i wanted to see what other peoples/owners views were.

greytmate, iv only ever kept mixed breeds when i was living overseas so i cant really comment on breed specific animals & their traits altho dad kept had two German shepherds which from what i was told were purely guard dogs as he used to work for a timber yard.

thanks guys!

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hey all, room wise, wer about to move into a new house which has a fairly large yard. room wouldn't be a problem as theres heaps of parks near us too & i do abit of running so ill definitely be looking at bringing the dog with me.

monelite as stated earlier iv only ever owned mixed breeds but im willing to do what it takes to ensure the dog becomes part of our family. being an indoor dog id imagine that it should get the attention it requires more so than an outdoor dog? having said that, i am highly aware that dobes posses those traits/characteristics too! (did abit of reading on gentledoberman.com)

id say ill be looking at a pup but maybe a mature dog wouldnt be too bad either ? reason i say pup is because mum doesnt exactly like dobermans (old fashion way of thinking that all dobermans are killer agressive dogs waiting to pounce & eat lil children for dinner) so maybe a pup would change her view on the breed as a whole.

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hi monelite, thanks for the link. iv read that post a few times already lol. (been doing HEAPS of reading about them! & the more i read the more i want one !!)

just went to your website too :( btw, nice fronnies !

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hey all, room wise, wer about to move into a new house which has a fairly large yard. room wouldn't be a problem as theres heaps of parks near us too & i do abit of running so ill definitely be looking at bringing the dog with me.

monelite as stated earlier iv only ever owned mixed breeds but im willing to do what it takes to ensure the dog becomes part of our family. being an indoor dog id imagine that it should get the attention it requires more so than an outdoor dog? having said that, i am highly aware that dobes posses those traits/characteristics too! (did abit of reading on gentledoberman.com)

id say ill be looking at a pup but maybe a mature dog wouldnt be too bad either ? reason i say pup is because mum doesnt exactly like dobermans (old fashion way of thinking that all dobermans are killer agressive dogs waiting to pounce & eat lil children for dinner) so maybe a pup would change her view on the breed as a whole.

Take your Mum to visit some Dobes.

People who visit here are leaned upon and patting within about 5 mins - if they are welcome visitors - no matter what they thought of Dobes before. I have a friend who used to show dogs - GSPs - and even she sat patting my Dobe and saying how she never realised what sooks they really are. :(

I wish I'd had a camera ready when our granddaugter started walking. Nothing funnier (or more cute) than a full sized Dobe play-bowing to a baby. :)

i do abit of running so ill definitely be looking at bringing the dog with me.

:laugh: :laugh: :D *pictures small athletic female trying to run as fast as a Dobe*

By run, I mean off leash, run wiht the wind stuff. I can't imagine any Dobe being happy without a few of those each week.

Our present one did grow up on a suburban block and she went crazy when she came to liove here. Even running into trees - and she did a good job on the compost bin too. My younger son still comments on that one. Fortunately, she did evetually learn to dodge immovable objects. :thumbsup:

Our vet repeatedly comments on how calm and laid back she is for a Dobe and how one of her clients is having real probelms with a young, male Dobe on a sububan block going ballistic.

Young Dobes are really energetic and need lots of attention. They do not "mature" until at least 2 years of age.

I think you should not eliminate the idea of a mature dog in your search.

Edited by noisymina
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hey guys, wanting to hear from Doberman owners with regards which breeder you would recommend.

at this stage everything is purely research as i want to make sure the breed is right for me.

thanks guys.

A few months ago I was looking at different Dobermann breeders too. I have settled on Wattavue as a breeder, as they are in the same state as me and I fell in love with their bitch. Her temperament is precisely what I am after, and although she is a show dog, I have no plans to show my dog once I get her.

I can thoroughly recommend Bisart Dobes and MonElite. Both of these ladies are very knowledgeable, and extremely helpful and polite. I most probably would have chosen either of these had I been in their state. When you do your research, you will hopefully come across a breeder you seem to "click" with. It makes a world of difference if you can form a bond with the breeder, too. I have become quite close to our breeder...she even called me from the vet after her scan confirmed the pregnancy!

Best of luck, Skunk, in finding the dog for you. Bear in mind there is usually some wait, but it is certainly worth it! Keep us informed.

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We have had Dobes for many years now, and there are definitely different types being bred.

We prefer substantial Dobes, our current boy is 47kgs and very well muscled.

Would definitely recommend that you visit dogshows and breeders to see the type of dog they breed before you commit.

There are some health problems in the breed so that should also be something you should be aware of and investigate.

IMO working Dobes are more of a handful but also more rewarding - you really do need to commit to do obedience training on a regular basis.

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hey guys, wanting to hear from Doberman owners with regards which breeder you would recommend.

at this stage everything is purely research as i want to make sure the breed is right for me.

thanks guys.

A few months ago I was looking at different Dobermann breeders too. I have settled on Wattavue as a breeder, as they are in the same state as me and I fell in love with their bitch. Her temperament is precisely what I am after, and although she is a show dog, I have no plans to show my dog once I get her.

I can thoroughly recommend Bisart Dobes and MonElite. Both of these ladies are very knowledgeable, and extremely helpful and polite. I most probably would have chosen either of these had I been in their state. When you do your research, you will hopefully come across a breeder you seem to "click" with. It makes a world of difference if you can form a bond with the breeder, too. I have become quite close to our breeder...she even called me from the vet after her scan confirmed the pregnancy!

Best of luck, Skunk, in finding the dog for you. Bear in mind there is usually some wait, but it is certainly worth it! Keep us informed.

Are you waiting on a puppy from Gossie? In that case not long to wait now - only 3 weeks.

She is a daughter of my foundation bitch Dare to Dance and has her mothers beautiful sweet temperament. All 'Cider's' kids have had that same outstanding nature and she is 100% Euro lines - so Skunk don't let people typecast 'working' lines as being purely one thing or another. The individual lines and dogs can vary a lot. We have a Cider daughter here by Garrison Moravia Heart and another placed with good friends and one thing all 12 pups from that litter had were phenomenal temperaments.



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hey guys, wanting to hear from Doberman owners with regards which breeder you would recommend.

at this stage everything is purely research as i want to make sure the breed is right for me.

thanks guys.

A few months ago I was looking at different Dobermann breeders too. I have settled on Wattavue as a breeder, as they are in the same state as me and I fell in love with their bitch. Her temperament is precisely what I am after, and although she is a show dog, I have no plans to show my dog once I get her.

I can thoroughly recommend Bisart Dobes and MonElite. Both of these ladies are very knowledgeable, and extremely helpful and polite. I most probably would have chosen either of these had I been in their state. When you do your research, you will hopefully come across a breeder you seem to "click" with. It makes a world of difference if you can form a bond with the breeder, too. I have become quite close to our breeder...she even called me from the vet after her scan confirmed the pregnancy!

Best of luck, Skunk, in finding the dog for you. Bear in mind there is usually some wait, but it is certainly worth it! Keep us informed.

Are you waiting on a puppy from Gossie? In that case not long to wait now - only 3 weeks.

She is a daughter of my foundation bitch Dare to Dance and has her mothers beautiful sweet temperament. All 'Cider's' kids have had that same outstanding nature and she is 100% Euro lines - so Skunk don't let people typecast 'working' lines as being purely one thing or another. The individual lines and dogs can vary a lot. We have a Cider daughter here by Garrison Moravia Heart and another placed with good friends and one thing all 12 pups from that litter had were phenomenal temperaments.



Hi David,

Yes, Gossi is Mum-to-be :rofl: . I actually met Cider last week when I needed my "Gossip-fix". The last time I saw Gossi was before she went for the mating. I was seeing her almost every week at the shows prior to that. I fell in love with her nature...so placid, loving, calm, not to mention stunningly beautiful!

Rhonda introduced us to Cider, and although she wasn't as beautiful as her daughter (I know, I'm biased :love: , she too had a lovely nature. With two young sons, temperament is everything for us. Gossi looked her usual, glossy-coated self when I saw, just a little more "solid".

Rhonda and Les have been wonderful to me. I think she has gone above and beyond what I expected from a breeder, and feel very lucky to have chosen her as the "mum" of our pup.

We lost our Dobe Jade on March 31st this year, aged 14yr 1wk. Our family is truly ready to welcome the next Dobe into the family, and I'm so excited! :laugh::mad:shrug:

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i do intend to do alot of obedience training with whichever breed i end up with & the dog will be mainly an indoor dog.

maybe even some schutzhund training as i know dobes need that sort of stimulation. ultimately id like the dog to be part of the family

The dog will need training, but if you are in Vic unless you have a security license the bitework component is not allowed. Contact Eagle Heights Schutzhund Club if that is the direction you want to go in, the obedience and tracking at least will do your dog well. Oh and remember indoor is always best :laugh: I'd look around instead of just von forell, I'm sure Mon will give you some great advice.

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hello everyone, thanks for the responses.

i had a quick chat to kris from vonforell yesterday & found him more than helpful & very easy to talk to ! ill most likely pay him a visit & meet some dogs but i havent ruled out other breeders just yet!

david, id like to see what type of dogs breeders are producing as i do prefer the more substantial dobe as well. iv read of some that are more "whippet" like built & dont particularly want a dobe like that.

thanks everyone for the input !

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I can thoroughly recommend Bisart Dobes and MonElite. Both of these ladies are very knowledgeable, and extremely helpful and polite.

Thank you for your kind words. someone in the Dobe thread wouldnt agree with you yesterday :wave::laugh::love:

We have a Cider daughter here by Garrison Moravia Heart and another placed with good friends and one thing all 12 pups from that litter had were phenomenal temperaments.

I used Garrison Moravia Heart as well, in fact I was the first person that used him. I chose that dog because I have spend significant amount of time with him and his temperament is to die for. Perhaps not for the faint hearted as this is a busy busy busy dog that needs a lot of attention and play time and training and and and and and. But this is what I wanted. He is very friendly and confident and I dont think I have ever seen a better head on any dobermann EVER anywhere in the world, I just love it, but of course its MY personal opinion. The pupps he sired have great temperaments, I have met several from other breeders. I used Federico Moravia Heart as well he has a better conformation then Garrison and the pupps sired by him are also to die for.

The pup in my avatar is by Garrison.

Fireax have a litter by Federico right now. To a bitch that I wanted to steal and begged on my knees to buy. But Fireax breeder kept her for herself :laugh:

I'm sure Mon will give you some great advice.

Oh how nice are you? :cheer:

david, id like to see what type of dogs breeders are producing as i do prefer the more substantial dobe as well. iv read of some that are more "whippet" like built & dont particularly want a dobe like that.

You will find that many working line breeders will tell you that show dobes are the skinny whippet like animals, and I say to that they need to go to a dog show to check the dobes that are currently in the ring. Yes of course there are some that are on a smaller side but most are not.

All my pupps are super substantial, my Fireax bitch is a large bitch and she was put to large European dogs hence whatever came out is a size of a pony :love:

Accidentally the smallest bitch I have ever seen was from Von Forell lines. Cracker of a dog but tiny. Probably about 25kg, where mine are 38kg.

Both males from my first litter were over 40kg at 12 months of age and not a gram of fat.

This is one of the dogs I bred (by Federico) - he doesnt live with me


Edited by MonElite
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