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Leather Lead Cleaning


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Any tips on how to get a urine smell out of a leather lead?

You could try saddle soap and a little leather oil. Once you clean with the saddle soap put a little bit a leather oil rubbed in and wipe off, it's good to do the oil in the sun as it heats the leather up a bit so the oil soaks in nice. Don't use too much oil though just enough so the leather doesn't dry out after cleaning. You can buy from saddlery, produce stores etc. Not sure if this will work but we use to get all kinds of crap off our horse leather gear.

Cheers Lee

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Hmmmm it would soak in. I would probably try soaking the lead in cool fresh water for a few minutes in the hope it would soak in too and at least dilute the pissy smell, if not entireloy get rid of it. Then allow the lead to dry naturally and once dry oil it with a good quality leather "food".

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We have washed a leather lead for the same issue. I soaked it in clean water - did this a few times with fresh water and then hung in our carport to dry (out of direct sun but with a nice breeze) ... when it dried it was very stiff.

We then used the leather oil ... but I found rubbing it didn't seem to be getting the oil inside.

So I had a brainwave .... I put some of the oil stuff in an ice-cream container and submerged the lead until all the bubbles stopped coming up (a couple of hours). We then hung the lead up by the clip and put a container under the other end and left it a couple of days. After that we then left it outside on a warm day (hung from the clothes line) and just kepts wiping it down ... it is still going strong nearly 10 years later.

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I would try a soft toothbrush and glycerine saddle soap, give it a good clean with the tooth brush, then wipe off firmly with a cotton cloth. I would do it a couple of times, then get some leather dressing/dubin and a soft cloth and gently polish the leather with the dubin.

I clean all my bridles this way and they always come up soft, clean and shiney. Never had one pee'd on though!

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