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Does Your Dog React To Dogs On Tv?


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I love it when the RSPCA ad comes on because Saxon watches each animal cross the screen and keeps running to the side of the TV to look where they've gone. It's so funny! If it comes on and he doesn't notice I make him look at it, just so I can watch him and laugh :laugh:

He reacts to most animals on TV, dogs and cats obviously and he responds to seeing or hearing them, and he's also been known to bark at horses and elephants.

He also reacts to the sound of babies or toddlers crying or yelling - if he hears them he looks at the TV then looks at me and sometimes whimpers, it's like he wants to make sure they're ok. It must be instinct, he's never met a baby or really young child in real life :laugh: (and no I'm definitely not anthropomorphising about my dog's amazing abilities! :) )

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Interesting about longer noses... both mine have similar faces but only one watches TV. Maybe she just has those "special eyes" they were talking about :laugh:

Ava has still been watching the World Cup and can actually track the ball across the screen! Whereas the most interested Satchmo ever was in the picture on TV was when a fly landed on it and he left a huge goopy mark across the screen trying to catch it... :laugh:

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