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Another Poo Question


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When I walk my greyhound he will poo 3-4 time in 45 min. First one is normal the others he just does a little bit of runny poos. He seems healthy in every other way. I feed him advance kibble mixed with cooked mince/or chicken rice and veges. This makes it difficult to walk him anywhere there is a lot of people shops etc. Any ideas ?

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Ummm, change to another brand of dogfood???

In my lot I have 2 dogs that eat Advance no problem and 1 that is sick every time she eats it - she can eat Royal Canin no problems at all, plus I have 1 that can eat anything at all and another 1 that can only eat Hills I/D.

Don't be afraid to try new food if what you are feeding doesn't agree with your dog - they are all different! :laugh:

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I would gradually change him over to a raw diet. Cooked meat and grains are not a natural diet for dogs. Lots of raw, soft meaty bones such as chicken carcass, goat or roo bones and lamb brisket. No load bearing bones though like the dinosaur bones or shanks you get at the butcher. I also feed natural pot set yogurt. Lots of information on feeding raw on this forum if you do a search. I have a Border Collie who periodically had gut problems from an early age and the vet advised me to have him on low dose pred for life! Not happy with that I did a lot of research and now have him on raw and have had no problems for years now. Thoroughly recommend it!!!!

When I walk my greyhound he will poo 3-4 time in 45 min. First one is normal the others he just does a little bit of runny poos. He seems healthy in every other way. I feed him advance kibble mixed with cooked mince/or chicken rice and veges. This makes it difficult to walk him anywhere there is a lot of people shops etc. Any ideas ?
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This has happened with a few dogs I've known. It seems like the exercise just moves it through them if you know what I mean! Our greyhound foster was like this - I switched her food but it didn't make a difference.

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I had the same problem with my dog on Advance, changed him to Holistic Select and he was a bit better but now on a home prepared diet he is way way better and has not had a sloppy poo as yet!! Take Bedazzeled's advice and give raw feeding a go.

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