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Mdba Is A Group For Everyone, Every Dog


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There's a lot of piddling in pockets going on me thinks.

The only way to try to fight back is to have the numbers because voters is the only currency they count and so different people get to use the piddle pot.

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Are you saying that people with a x breed or one of those nasty Restricted Breed dogs :laugh: can also join MDBA?

I thought you were just another purebreed organisation.

Not that my dogs aren't purebreeds, they're just not recognised by the ANKC.

Good heavens I hope you're not serious!

In the beginning all of the original board of the MDBA were members of the EDBA in fact they were office bearers of the EDBA and founding members and part of the reason we set up was to join everyone together to have a united voice. Power in numbers and demonstrate that our members could be trusted to do the right thing by the community and the dogs they owned.

Our breeder members are purebred breeders but that includes breeders of breeds which are not recognised by the ANKC.

Our pet owner members own all manner of breeds and cross breeds and our rescue members rescue both purebred and mixed breed dogs.

We wanted to gather responsible dog owners,breeders, rescue and canine professionals under one umbrella with opt in codes of conduct to be able to ask for exemptions and similar with government because our members have somethings that no other org has - unity where we have dogs in common regardless of breed or part thereof and a voluntary membership.it means when we go in we represent all dog owners and not just those who belong to one group.

So in answer to your question we welcome all dog owners who can agree to our codes of conduct.

Up until now we have been in and fighting and sometimes we even smell victory in our nostrils but we have been capped at the post by the piddling boys because they have CC support and do deals all over the place because of the numbers.

So please, x breed and restricted breed owners by all means apply and come join us. Its only $22 .

Thought I'd start a new thread for this. It is relevant to what us Victorians are trying to deal with at the moment, in regards to our laws and the proposed (more) laws the Victorian Government want to bring in to add to the patchwork quilt they've already created.

But it is also relevant for everyone else as well, and as such, believe that it deserves separate attention.

Edited by Erny
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As a former EDBA committee member and a founding MDBA member, I can assure everyone that one of the purposes of the MDBA was to fight BSL, but not in the same way the EDBA did/does. The MDBA exists for ALL breeders who fit the criteria for membership, NOT just ANKC members, and it exists for all responsible pet owners, no matter what their breed, if they fulfil the criteria

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As a former EDBA committee member and a founding MDBA member, I can assure everyone that one of the purposes of the MDBA was to fight BSL, but not in the same way the EDBA did/does. The MDBA exists for ALL breeders who fit the criteria for membership, NOT just ANKC members, and it exists for all responsible pet owners, no matter what their breed, if they fulfil the criteria

Yep we thought the EDBA was doing what they needed to do but we wanted to come at it by showing that if someone was responsible it didnt matter what breed they had .We have never been nor will we ever be EDBA or ANKC competition and our aim is to work with them.

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Professional Code

n being an active member of the Master Dog Breeders & Associates, I agree to the following;

I will provide conscientious care for the animals entrusted to me, being constantly attentive to their security, safety and well-being, and to place their welfare above all other business considerations.

I will take every opportunity to learn more about my profession and to improve my services. I will continue to acquire additional skills and knowledge by keeping informed of advances in the field of my employment.

I will deal honestly and fairly with the public, and I will not misrepresent my services either knowingly or unknowingly.

I will respect the confidentiality of my customers.

I will place service to my customers and to my industry above personal gain.

I will avoid unfair competitive practices, slander and defamation of my competitors including actions or business practices which would result in dishonour upon, or distrust of, my competitors or of my industry in general.

I will never contribute to, or participate in any way, to unethical breeding, breeding practises or breeding for the sole purpose of profit. I will enrol as an MDBA Breeder member and comply with the breeder code of conduct before I breed a litter.

I will be respectful of, and co-operate with other professions and trades which operate within the pet industry.

I will abide by all applicable federal, state and local laws governing animal care and to my profession.

I will operate my business in such a manner as to reflect honour upon my industry and within my local community.

I will encouraging responsible pet ownership and strive to advance and cultivate a harmonious relationship between members of the dog owning community and the non dog owning community. I will do this by exemplifying responsible dog ownership and accountability in turn promoting increased public awareness.

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BUMP, please consider, read here

As a former EDBA committee member and a founding MDBA member, I can assure everyone that one of the purposes of the MDBA was to fight BSL, but not in the same way the EDBA did/does. The MDBA exists for ALL breeders who fit the criteria for membership, NOT just ANKC members, and it exists for all responsible pet owners, no matter what their breed, if they fulfil the criteria
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All other dog groups focus on the dogs - we place the focus on the people who own them. Thats why the awards are about the people and why when we set up MDBA Pacers it was about helping the people who own pets when they hit a personal or natural disaster.

It is this which makes what the MDBA does different to the EDBA, ANKC and any other dog group. It is this which sets Pacers apart from the RSPCA and other animal rescue groups.

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The MDBA has the ability to unify dog owners and breeders into a cohesive unit to fight bsl and other dog related issues that crop up in Australia.

To often as dog owners we turn on each other and our different breeds, this plays straight into the politicians and medias hands as we come across as a non professional entity rather than a force to be reckoned with. I have a strong belief that with MDBA we now have the people with the experience and wisdom to stop bsl in its tracks and an organisation well worth joining. I have always thought that regardless of which breed or interest in dogs a person has first and foremost one should love and have an interest in the wellbing of ALL dogs, this is something which I believe MDBA embodies.

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