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Grrr Dogs Tripping You Up!


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My dogs are pretty good at not running around in front of me, but they walk so close behind me that they trip me up from behind! It drives me crazy! They bump into the back of my legs, and even more annoying, they stand on the back of my shoes so I fall over or lose my shoe. Its so annoying. I find myself walking along, kicking my heels up behind me to try and keep them at bay. Does anyone else's dogs do this? Is there anything you can do?

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Whenever we're in the kitchen preparing food they both stand right behind us so when we step back we go over :rofl: . I don't know how long it will be before we learn to look before stepping back! :rofl:

Mosley also lies across doorways and when you go to step over nhim he wants to play, jumps up and trips you over :D

As to what to do...no idea, that's why I fall over all the time :rofl:

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Erik goes so far as to push his chest into my heels and rest his chin on my calves with each step. I do not know what goes on back there, but he switches from heel to heel so fast I just get this general sense of being pushed along. If I step over something he tends to cop my heel in his jaw. It does not seem to bother him. My corgi used to do the same, only she wouldn't push me, just be so close I'd hear "clop clop" as each step had my heel tipping her chin. She did it the whole 13 years I had her.

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bwahahahaha dogs are so funny. I have the same problem kirty. I don't know how many times I've nearly gone head over heels down the concrete ramp bit out the back!!! And I ditched my "flip flop" style slippers because I got so sick of them standing on the backs of them while I was walking. LMAO

I also get them standing still right in front of me, with their backs toward me, for no apparent reason. They'll be trotting along behind and/or beside me and then one of them gets in front and suddenly stands stock still. Usually in a narrow spot where I can't get past. I also think any time I say "Move out the way" they hear "Stand right there in front of me and if I move to the left you move that way too so you're still in my way".

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My Jessie, who went to the bridge last year, would always give me a short, sharp poke in the back of the knee when I was preparing food to make sure I knew she was there.

Other than that there seemed to be a conspiracy (still is!) between the dogs and the cat to break my neck, or at the very least a major limb...why do they always go in the same direction as you when you try to step around them!!

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My Jessie, who went to the bridge last year, would always give me a short, sharp poke in the back of the knee when I was preparing food to make sure I knew she was there.

Other than that there seemed to be a conspiracy (still is!) between the dogs and the cat to break my neck, or at the very least a major limb...why do they always go in the same direction as you when you try to step around them!!

:D One of life's great mysteries hahahaha

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I had the same problem with a dog, but he was blind so I think he was just trying to walk following my footsteps. I had him on a leash and just pulled him to the side whenever he did that and it did fix it a bit. Oh it's SO not fun when a dog steps on your slipper from behind and you both end up taking a tumble! :D

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Mine used to do this a bit but I pretend I am oblivious to them, and if their feet are close I stand on them, not too hard but enough to make them yank them out of the way. When it happens I dont respond, I just go on as normal, so now they know to watch out for big clumsy mummy. I think I pretty much learned this tactic from having horses. It's up to us to make sure we dont get trodden on.

I did have an accident with poor Bosley, the visiting foster greyhoung this morning that I felt sorry for though. She is quite timid and gets frightened easily. I was coming in the door and she did a big stretch in front of me. I almost stood on her foot but tried to back off quickly. That frightened her and she spun away from me and then hit her head on the arm of the couch. I think she thought I did it to her and she cried and ran away. :D I felt awful.

Edited by Kirislin
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They don't trip me over, it's usually me stepping on them because they are standing or walking too closely to me and can't see. Emmy likes trying to jump up and bit my pant drawstrings now too... so that can make moving around a little awkward.

My dogs aren't allow in the kitchen when I'm cooking due to this. I'm paranoid I might drop something on them.

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Yes, dogs have no concept of personal space and I am frequently yelling move to the one who darts back and forth in front of me and the backwards kick to the ones who try to trip me up from behind. I have resorted to having a rake to swing around me when they get carried away first thing, it's like I'm fricken invisible, they never learn to watch out for me!

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Bwhahahah! I have the same problem, although I've trained my dogs to stay out of the kitchen. They like to lie in door ways and stand up when I step over them, so now I just give them the command 'move' and nudge them gently in the ribs to get them out my way. :shrug:

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My cocker is always under my feet. She tends to follow me everywhere and as a result I am forever falling over her.

Last time I fell over after the dog chased the cat up the hall way with my knickers in her mouth. I went sideways (naked) and ended up on crutches for 6 weeks!

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I also get them standing still right in front of me, with their backs toward me, for no apparent reason. They'll be trotting along behind and/or beside me and then one of them gets in front and suddenly stands stock still. Usually in a narrow spot where I can't get past. I also think any time I say "Move out the way" they hear "Stand right there in front of me and if I move to the left you move that way too so you're still in my way".

Ah yes, Kivi does this. :shrug: He especially does it when I've just turned the light off and am trying to negotiate through a dark kitchen. Inevitably I walk into Kivi, who has taken a step or two or three and then randomly parked himself. Yesterday I trod on both his front paws because he was sprawled across the kitchen floor while I was cooking breakfast. If I step on Erik I'm like "Yeah, you'll live." but if I step on Kivi he cries and looks hurt and I feel like I've beaten up a disabled child. I nearly fell down the stairs one day trying to avoid making Kivi cry.

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I also get them standing still right in front of me, with their backs toward me, for no apparent reason. They'll be trotting along behind and/or beside me and then one of them gets in front and suddenly stands stock still. Usually in a narrow spot where I can't get past. I also think any time I say "Move out the way" they hear "Stand right there in front of me and if I move to the left you move that way too so you're still in my way".

Ah yes, Kivi does this. :mad He especially does it when I've just turned the light off and am trying to negotiate through a dark kitchen. Inevitably I walk into Kivi, who has taken a step or two or three and then randomly parked himself. Yesterday I trod on both his front paws because he was sprawled across the kitchen floor while I was cooking breakfast. If I step on Erik I'm like "Yeah, you'll live." but if I step on Kivi he cries and looks hurt and I feel like I've beaten up a disabled child. I nearly fell down the stairs one day trying to avoid making Kivi cry.

awwwwwwwww!!!! :shrug:

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I also get them standing still right in front of me, with their backs toward me, for no apparent reason. They'll be trotting along behind and/or beside me and then one of them gets in front and suddenly stands stock still.

Casper usually does this but he does it in places where he doesn't know if you're going left, right or straight. Just puts the brakes on and turns his head to look at me!

One night OH went to get their food bowls to feed them, next thing I hear is this big thud and clanging of bowls...I went out to find him lifting himself off the ground, dog bowls on the ground, dogs wagging tails! Casper walked in front of him and stopped and OH went right over him! It was hard not to laugh...

I just think it's sweet that they always want to be so close to us, despite the risk to life and limb!

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