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The Two Year Itch...


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my name is LP and I suffer from the two year itch!!

I seem to get a new pup every 2-3 years seeing as the older doggies are SO good and I could do with another one to train!

Anyone else suffer this problem!?!?

Also why do they make puppies so darned cute!? It's almost too hard to refuse!!!

What's worse is that now I have nobody else. Stopping me from getting another pup!!!

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It takes two years for you to get over the trauma of raising a puppy, then you start looking at puppy photos, and make some phone calls and before long *BAM* another puppy appears in your home and you ask yourself "Whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy" as you try to wrangle a biting screaming crying piddling needy puppy :love: Or is that just me :love:

Then another two years goes by and the process starts over :thumbsup:

Except in Ptolomy's case, she's a sucker for punishment :laugh:

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Haha - I just found a solution. Take your parents 14mth old puppy that you bred back for the weekend.

Enjoy the chewed up bedding and demolition she left within 10 mins of playing again with her mother :D

good thing they're cute!

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I used to suffer this, hence why I currently have a 12yr, 10 yr and an 8yr old dog!! Thankfully I realised my limits when I got the now 8 year old dog (I had another also which has since passed on) and waited 5 years to add the next. Now that the youngest is 3yrs I'm getting itchy again :mad

eta. A couple of very experienced doggy friends have recently added pups that have been particularly 'trying' which has helped lessen the itch a little :shrug:

Edited by FHRP
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I have a puppy right now and she is:

a handful and is in a biting phase.

semi toilet trained so I still have to keep an eye on her every single move

very curious so she must investigate every little single thing (so doors in the house must be close).


She has no attention span.

Walking her on the leash is an adventure

She discovered the joy of climbing.. so she will climb up to the highest point of any furniture to sleep (then often roll over and falls off!!)

She will tell you off if you are too slow on feeding her

She MUST sleep leaning against you or on you... waking up with fur in my nose and seeing white can be quite shocking in the morning.

The boyfriend has said that next dog we're getting will be older dog... hopefully has grown out of their puppy phase... we will see if that will happen though..

Has that ease the itch a bit?

But they are sooo damn cute though :shrug:


Miss Emmaline Winchester!

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I am going through this phase where I am imagining that Bitty was a perfect puppy and thinking "Yeah! It was pretty easy! 6 months! I can do 6 months again easy peasy."

I am soooo puppy clucky!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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:mad Kenz is just over 2 and I am itchy for another one and she is still only half trained. Have told myself I'll have to wait until she is at least 4 by which time Ness will be well and truely ready to retire at 12 :shrug: .
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Aaaaaahhh puppies. Our resident baby has perfected the art of getting underfoot, he poops faster than greased lightning, before I get a chance to whip him outside and his favourite toilet is the lounge room carpet. He harrasses the big dogs by leaping on their heads, he annoys our oldie by stalking her at mealtimes (and gets growled at for his trouble).

And then he flops down exhausted and sleeps. Those fat little paws, that soft fuzzy muzzle, the stubby little face, that fluffy feathersoft coat, that smell of new puppy........just brings me undone every time.

He is adorable. There's no getting around it, they are hard to resist.

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I reckon that's why puppies sleep so much Gayle, because they are so adorable when in slumber that it makes you forgot all the naughty things they have done that day :shrug:

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Yes :laugh:

When Ruby was 2 I wanted another pup, but ended up with an adult rescue. It'll be 2 years this October since getting Millie, and almost 4 years since having a puppy in my household, and I am always so puppy clucky!!!

But I've realised I've got my hands well and truly full with 2, so my head is ruling my heart on this matter :rofl: Plus I'm not 200% certain on what breed I will get next and my plans for it, so it's a good thing I am being sensible and holding off! I guess I will have to play with everyone else's puppies and get my puppy fix that way :shrug: Just loooooooove the smell of pupppy breath, though :mad I miss that the most, along with the bare pink bellies made for blowing raspberries :laugh: Labrador pups just melt my heart so much!! :laugh:

Edited by RubyStar
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