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Is This A Streetscape?


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I wanted to do a photography course but there's none near by and I dont fancy driving distances at night in Winter so I joined the local photographic society.

They have a competition each month and next month is streetscape.

Would this be classed as streetscape? If so was thinking of entering it although I might need to ramp up the colours/saturation a bit, knowing me it was straight out of the camera.


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Good shot though, tells a story with guy in the background unpacking his boxes, all he needs now is a customer!

I just had another look at the pic, the guy could be a customer!

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I like it Kirislin. It might not be the traditional streetscape of "street photography" genre but it fits my idea of 'street'. Just because it is zero'd in on the stall doesn't disqualify it.

(I'm not confusing streetscape and 'street'. But I am so over 'street' being over-represented by over-sharpened portraits of the less fortunate. Presented as 'gritty' and for me only one step removed from stalking. I used to like the concept of street photography, but have so gone off it, because what is published as street seems to only give a one dimensional look at the worst side of it, and ignores the best. (Reserve right to totally change mind next year: that's just the way it affects me at the moment).)

Anyway I like this shot as a streetscape, one competition judge might say it is too close, but another judge could disagree. I'd put it up to get the comment, and you could always take a more wide-angle shot from over the road, and see which one they like.

Good you've joined a camera club, I've found it more than worth while. Do you go to Coldstream - guess Knox would be a bit too far?

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I like it Kirislin. It might not be the traditional streetscape of "street photography" genre but it fits my idea of 'street'. Just because it is zero'd in on the stall doesn't disqualify it.

(I'm not confusing streetscape and 'street'. But I am so over 'street' being over-represented by over-sharpened portraits of the less fortunate. Presented as 'gritty' and for me only one step removed from stalking. I used to like the concept of street photography, but have so gone off it, because what is published as street seems to only give a one dimensional look at the worst side of it, and ignores the best. (Reserve right to totally change mind next year: that's just the way it affects me at the moment).)

Anyway I like this shot as a streetscape, one competition judge might say it is too close, but another judge could disagree. I'd put it up to get the comment, and you could always take a more wide-angle shot from over the road, and see which one they like.

Good you've joined a camera club, I've found it more than worth while. Do you go to Coldstream - guess Knox would be a bit too far?

thanks, maybe I will.

and yep. Coldstream, they were very welcoming too.

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I'm gonna join the Knox Society when I get my 550D :laugh:

Don't wait S&S, waiting is a bit of a swan-song. There are people in Knox using point-and-shoot, there are people who only shoot film and process their own, and professionals. There is no pressure to enter competitions. Come this Wednesday, 23rd, no expectation that people join til they have been to a couple of meetings to decide.

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I'm gonna join the Knox Society when I get my 550D :laugh:

Don't wait S&S, waiting is a bit of a swan-song. There are people in Knox using point-and-shoot, there are people who only shoot film and process their own, and professionals. There is no pressure to enter competitions. Come this Wednesday, 23rd, no expectation that people join til they have been to a couple of meetings to decide.

Oh really! Ok that's a good point. Unfortunately Wednesday nights I'm not free :laugh: Do they run on other nites?

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