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Mometamax Ointment


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I saw a dermatologist for my dogs allergies on friday and was given some of Mometamax ointment to use in his one ear canal for 14 days, I went to put the ointment in tonight and his ear is very very red inside and the protruding bits on the inside of his ear ( no idea what they are called) seem very inflammed. I tried to phone the clinic but they are closed, my question is whether I now put the ointment tonight or not, I really feel that it could be the ointment as his ears have never been that red before! They gave him the ointment as his one canal is inflammed.

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If it were me, I would take a photo... not apply th e ointment-wait until tomorrow- and then phone the clinic .

Yeah I dont think putting the ointment would be a good idea. I cant tell if it is left over ointment from yesterday or puss in his ear, it just smells like ointment when I smell the ear.

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