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Grr Off Leash Dogs!


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I'm sorry to read this. I truly hope your dog makes a complete recovery.

Last week I took my dog to the local oval for a run. I have an Amstaff, he is big and strong. When we got to the park there was a woman with a dog (off lead) and it was running around enjoying itself. I bobbed down with my boy between my knee's, calmly talking to him, as we both watched her dog shoot around the oval.

Less than a minute past when she looked directly at me and my dog. I was then thinking it's only a matter of time now, she will call her dog, now that she is obviously not alone in the park, and put it on a leash.

How wrong I was. She not only didn't call it back, she turned her back on us completely to look the other way. A minute later her dog sees my dog and comes running over at speed.

My boy is fine with other dogs. He's never had a fight. He's been attacked, but he didn't fight back, and it was over before he could luckily. But this woman didn't know that ...

But it gets worse. Her dog runs straight at my boy and I'm doing my best to hold onto him tight. I don't know what to expect. The last thing I want is her dog attacking my dog, and my dog attacks back and seriously hurts her dog.

Her dog is female, at least that's good news. She isn't a fighter, even better. The woman notices her dog and starts screaming. She's running at us now screaming? I yell back its OK my dog won't attack. But she's going hysterical ...

Next thing my boy lunges I look down and he's trying to mount her dog. I put a quick stop to that as the woman approaches. "Shes on heat" she cries out.

Who in their right mind takes a dog ON HEAT to a public park and lets it off leash? No wait, who does that, and then SEES another person with a dog, and doesn't call their dog back? Unbelievable.

I'd like to say the story ends well, but the truth is, when I mentioned to her, its not the best idea to have a female on heat running loose in the park, I was met with a mouthful of abuse. And then told if my dog had of hurt hers, she would have had my dog put down.

/shakes head in disbelief ...

I am completely stunned by reading this! Some humans should be put on a small isolated island!

I hope Morrison is okay, your reaction is completely normal. Some people really do freeze. Itis a horrible thing to happen. Make sure you report it, get photos of his wounds and a vet report.

agree with PF try and think of an action plan incase it happens again. Also make sure you take note of all the dogs around you and their body language. The sooner you can intervene the better.

You do need to try and calm down - although that is easier said than done. Make sure you are calm and as normal as possible when your boy comes home, giving him extra attention and smothering him willnot help at all. Maybe hwne you do venture out again, take your dad or someone with you so you won't be a nervous.

Good luck and Whippet kisses and hugs to you both

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oh i have a riding crop...maybe ill carry it incase...

so sorry to hear about your pup I hope he makes a speedy recovery and that you too can deal with this, i imagine it to be terrifying

Edited by dandybrush
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Oh no! Your poor puppy :laugh:!!!!

Make sure you get a report and photos of the wounds from the vet to give to the council.

Also write down everything that happened now and any detail about the dog also to give the council.

My aunties dogs where attacked in Tasmania, and with a detailed description of the dog they where able it and they case is now going to court.

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Who in their right mind takes a dog ON HEAT to a public park and lets it off leash? No wait, who does that, and then SEES another person with a dog, and doesn't call their dog back? Unbelievable.

I'd like to say the story ends well, but the truth is, when I mentioned to her, its not the best idea to have a female on heat running loose in the park, I was met with a mouthful of abuse. And then told if my dog had of hurt hers, she would have had my dog put down.

/shakes head in disbelief ...

I am completely stunned by reading this! Some humans should be put on a small isolated island!

This happened to our 'office dog' too, he is entire, and was on his daily walk with my boss, they were at the off lead park and he was playing with this female dog, started trying to mount it and got put back on a lead and then the female dog's owners casually mention that she is on heat... unbelievable. It messed our office dog up for about a week - all he would do is sit at the window and cry!

iheartmorrison I hope your boy recovers with no lasting damage, poor little mite :laugh:

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Sorry to hear this happened. I know how awful it can be. If you need to cry you go right ahead. Like someone said, try to stay calm and "normal" around the puppy but otherwise go ahead and bawl I reckon.

Definitely get pics and report it.

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How distressing!! :laugh::laugh:

Im so sorry to hear about poor Morrison :cheer: Its such a traumatic thing to happen to both yourself and your pup! I hope he pulls through this ordeal ok and that he doesnt have any permanant emotional damage from it :cheer:

Sending positive vibes your way! :laugh:

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You need not feel guilty, it can be daunting to find oneself in such circumstances; personally I would have aimed for the attacking dog's head or ribs with a swift hard kick. What breed is Morrison and what breed was the aggressor? So sorry this has happened to you and to poor Morrison. Hope he will be fine in no time.

^ This. It's happened to me before too, and I guess my first instinct was to get the dog off with my foot, except I guess with the adrenaline rush I may have possibly kicked the dog off a little harder than I would've expected myself capable of :laugh: No damage done though but this time, the shock of the kick snapped the other dog out of it. It's dangerous though, and I would carry an umbrella the next time.

Please don't blame yourself as it's not your fault *hugs* Give Morrison lots of cuddles and hugs from us!

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FYI. Morrison is a Pomeranian x Shih Tzu and the other dog may have been a "bull" breed. I dont have anything against anyone who owns those types of breeds, just the irresponsible ones.

He wanted me to cuddle him (tried to get up) before I left the vet.

Edited by iheartmorrison
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I'm sorry to read this. I truly hope your dog makes a complete recovery.

Last week I took my dog to the local oval for a run. I have an Amstaff, he is big and strong. When we got to the park there was a woman with a dog (off lead) and it was running around enjoying itself. I bobbed down with my boy between my knee's, calmly talking to him, as we both watched her dog shoot around the oval.

Less than a minute past when she looked directly at me and my dog. I was then thinking it's only a matter of time now, she will call her dog, now that she is obviously not alone in the park, and put it on a leash.

How wrong I was. She not only didn't call it back, she turned her back on us completely to look the other way. A minute later her dog sees my dog and comes running over at speed.

My boy is fine with other dogs. He's never had a fight. He's been attacked, but he didn't fight back, and it was over before he could luckily. But this woman didn't know that ...

But it gets worse. Her dog runs straight at my boy and I'm doing my best to hold onto him tight. I don't know what to expect. The last thing I want is her dog attacking my dog, and my dog attacks back and seriously hurts her dog.

Her dog is female, at least that's good news. She isn't a fighter, even better. The woman notices her dog and starts screaming. She's running at us now screaming? I yell back its OK my dog won't attack. But she's going hysterical ...

Next thing my boy lunges I look down and he's trying to mount her dog. I put a quick stop to that as the woman approaches. "Shes on heat" she cries out.

Who in their right mind takes a dog ON HEAT to a public park and lets it off leash? No wait, who does that, and then SEES another person with a dog, and doesn't call their dog back? Unbelievable.

I'd like to say the story ends well, but the truth is, when I mentioned to her, its not the best idea to have a female on heat running loose in the park, I was met with a mouthful of abuse. And then told if my dog had of hurt hers, she would have had my dog put down.

/shakes head in disbelief ...

Unbelievable - I just don't understand it. BTW if your dog was on lead and her dog wasn't in an on-lead area, regardless of what your dog may do to hers, from my understanding, she is in the wrong as she has broken the law and her dog was off-lead. Two amstaffs not so long ago, both on leads/harnesses were attacked by a jack russell/foxie (it got loose from their house and went straight for the amstaffs being walked across the road). They attacked the little dog and killed it, but they were not put down. The council in fact stated that the amstaffs were on lead and under control, the little dog wasn't and was the one that caused the horrible tragedy. Those amstaffs are fine as long as other dogs don't go for them, and the owner always has them on lead.

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I took Morrison for a walk, everything was going fine, until an off leash dog came up to us and attacked Morrison, I didn't know what to do. I wanted to grab Morrison but I was scared that the dog would attack me - and I was in shock. Thank god the dog wasnt interested in me.

Called my dad, who carried Morrison back to the house, I called the vet as soon as we got home.

Morrison was bitten near his groin area, and there was blood in his mouth. He was in so much shock, I didn't know whether he was alive or dead. The good thing was that he was alert, once we were on the way to the vet.

I was afraid of this happening, and I still can't believe it did. We were having such a nice time too. I was a wrek at the vet, dad wasn't helping, by telling to stop crying; I couldn't help it.

I know I need to call the council, I just need to calm down - I'm still so shocked that it happened.

I hope your pup is ok and recovers well.

Where were the owners of the dog?

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If you carry a riding crop and hit a dog that charges at yours or try to shoo it with it can the owner get you in trouble for abusing their dog?

You are quite within your rights to protect yourself and your dog. No off lead dog, even in an offlead area, has the right to charge at a person or another dog. Even in offlead areas they should be under "effective control" and that means they should be kept way from any other dogs and people unless specifically invited to socialise with another dog. An offlead dog running at an onlead dog is NEVER acceptable.

Personally I carry a short stock whip and find that cracking the whip deters most dogs before they get anywhere near mine. If they do get close enough they get hit with the whip. I did have to train my dogs to stand still while I crack a whip over their heads though so they don't try to get away from it. I wish it was legal to carry a stun gun because that would be better protection.

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FYI. Morrison is a Pomeranian x Shih Tzu and the other dog may have been a "bull" breed. I dont have anything against anyone who owns those types of breeds, just the irresponsible ones.

:laugh: People should have to be licenced to have a dog including learning about the breed they have AND our local law people need to get serious about policing the rules.

As far as I'm concerned these negligent owners who let their dogs roam and enable these incidents should be done for animal cruelty......


Hope your boy gets better and gets over the shock of it.

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I do hope poor little Morrison will be ok; I know exactly how you feel as 11 years ago I lost my silky terrier x to a dog attack while we were out walking also and like your dog she was on a leash also and the offending dog came out of nowhere. Is something you never ever get over and even though I got another dog I was just so nervous when out walking but ever since that day I carry an old piece of broom handle that I cut down to 24 inches long and had a hole drilled through and put piece of string for wrist strap is not bulky like an umbrella and is short enough that you can just grip in your hand and never walked without it after that day is happening way too often these days and I for 1 would not hesitate to use it to protect me or my dog if situation arose again, but sometimes think it would be better to belt owner instead of dog to knock some sense into them.

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If you carry a riding crop and hit a dog that charges at yours or try to shoo it with it can the owner get you in trouble for abusing their dog?

You are quite within your rights to protect yourself and your dog. No off lead dog, even in an offlead area, has the right to charge at a person or another dog. Even in offlead areas they should be under "effective control" and that means they should be kept way from any other dogs and people unless specifically invited to socialise with another dog. An offlead dog running at an onlead dog is NEVER acceptable.

Personally I carry a short stock whip and find that cracking the whip deters most dogs before they get anywhere near mine. If they do get close enough they get hit with the whip. I did have to train my dogs to stand still while I crack a whip over their heads though so they don't try to get away from it. I wish it was legal to carry a stun gun because that would be better protection.

Thanks! Good to know. I agree on the stun gun. Wish we could use them. I'll get a crop from my sister

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oh how horrible!!!!

i really do hope you and morrisson recover quickly :laugh:

like most people have said, get morrisson to socialise with friendly dogs as soon as possible. at my clinic we had a dog who got viciously attacked by another dog, it resulted in the attacked dog being fearful of pretty much any social situation. it was so hard to deal with, jumpy and noisy. it was still loved but it would have been very hard to live with for the owner. the owner, an elderly lady, was also attacked trying to help her dog :o i do believe that if you are safe from harm you can get your dog help, however if you are attacked and injured, your dog cant drive itself to the vet or phone for help, so even if you feel guilty, you have done the right thing in the end by getting your dog medical care.

to se7en - i cant believe that situation. it makes me physically sick :cheer: i used to be a 'small dog' owner and am now a large dog owner, i get so much fear from small/smaller dog owners when walking my babies :laugh: and they are usually the aggressors too, but the looks on the other peoples faces is one of disgust and fear, for no reason :rofl:

oh and peoples suggestions on riding crops and umbrellas: the other week i was walking with my two dogs secure on haltis and i was about to pass a couple walking in the other direction. the male picked up an object from a nerby hard rubbish pile, i really did think he was arming himself against my dogs. one of my dogs, seeing a stranger with a strange object in his hands became nervous. if it were another dog with an inexperienced owner they may have had a go at the man because he looked threatening. and if my dog had of he would have been protecting me and himself. it really was a scarey possible situation.

i moved my dogs to the nature strip (which i always intended on doing) to let the couple pass, the lady then started quizzing me on breeds and behaviour, im still apprehensive to what their intention was

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I think if you carry a stick for the specific purpose of hitting dogs that harrass yours, you may have trouble explaining that to the police. I do like the umbrella because its primary purpose is to keep rain off. Dog repellant action is a mere bonus.

You would get into trouble in the same way for carrying hair spray in your handbag to use as a mace substitute, if you never use hair spray on your head. But in Australia - we always have an excuse to have fly spray - yes?

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