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Sick Of Big Dogs Stalking My Swf What Can I Do?


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It's happened again and I'm sick of it.

I went with my parents up to the central coast for the long weekend - they have a house up there and they go up every weekend with their dogs. They take the dogs for a walk on the beach (which is off-lead for most of it) at least once a weekend. Their two dogs are about double Luna's size (they are 6-10 kg and Luna is 3.5kg) and haven't had any issues at the beach. A friend of theirs dog (and owner) was mauled by two huskies 3 years ago on the beach - thankfully he lived though he has a few scars. He was a similar size to Luna and like Luna very well socialized etc (not a yappy aggressive little dog). The beach went from off lead in all areas to restricted and has been opened up to most places (except the flags).

During the weekend the two older dogs got tired so mom sat down with them and Dad and I kept going with Luna. When we were on our way back I saw ahead 2 ladies with a kelpie (or kelpie cross). The ladies were staring out across the ocean and ignoring the dog - who had sighted Luna and was stalking her (i.e. down low with eyes focused on her and moving slowly forward). Luna was walking about 1 m behind me slightly off to the side and when I saw the dogs stance I moved in front of her to head it off - it had by this time decided to make a dash for her and bolted full speed towards us, circling back around to get towards her. I yelled at it and it broke off and went back to it's owners. I decided to pick up Luna as we had to walk right past them and I didn't like the way the dog was acting. As we past the owners the dog tried to run up and jump at Luna but I turned my body - owners did nothing. The dog seemed to lose interest and turned back to the owners. We kept walking - about 15 m away I put Luna down because the dog wasn't watching us anymore. Mistake. The dog saw her and started stalking her again and this time it happened much faster - my dad threw a poo bag (which was full) down into the sand next to the dogs head to break it's focus as Luna was by this time trying to run away and it had nearly got her. I picked her up and the dog having been scared by the bag ran back to the owner who was now screaming at us "How dare you throw something at my dog" etc etc with lots of swear words. Dad said back - put your dog on a leash and stop it from running at us and our dog. I said the same thing - and that we didn't hit it just scared it to break it's focus. She wasn't listening just swearing and yelling.

Now I'm not saying that the dog meant to hurt her or anything but it was scary to me not matter the size of the dog I don't like dogs running at me or my dog and it's possible the other dog was playing but in an unacceptable way! But in reality I think that it didn't think she was a dog but rather a prey/play item and she would have hurt Luna if she had grabbed Luna.

Now the owner was obviously watching her dog run at us and go for Luna or she wouldn't have seen the bag incident... how does any reasonable person then turn it back on the victim (the person who's dog was being stalked/charged)... or do nothing when the dog does it?

Now I know there is probably nothing I can do except avoid off-lead parks which I do (except this one beach because its where my parents always go etc) but even having her on a lead at the park wouldn't have stopped this - she was right next to me within the distance of her lead. It was completely un-provoked.

I mainly just wanted to rant/vent... it's not the first time this has happened I probably get a similar experience every other time I go to the park (on or off lead - as most people don't use leads near my house). Luna is very polite, quiet, submissive etc it seems to be her size that sets other dogs off i.e. oh get that white bunny

I wish there was a small dog fenced park near us... not that it would solve all the problem but it would solve a few for me :o

Sigh :sleep:

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I'm tempted to say...

1. Call your dog back to heel

2. Ask other owner to do the same

3. If they don't, produce super soaker from inside your bag and give other dog a thorough point-blank wetting. :sleep:

Or else, avoid the park? I mean, is there anywhere else you can go to exercise her?

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She was at a heel the whole time except when it ran at her then she ran away abit too (but circling back towards me) :)

A super soaker is a good idea :sleep:

This happened at a beach I rarely go to with my parents, I avoid the local off-lead park and I take her to the on-lead park where most people walk off-lead (Luna is always on a lead in on-lead areas)... had similar experiences at all places :o

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You and your super soaker SA :sleep:

This is interesting as it's the other end of the spectrum. I often have problems with people letting their SWF race up to my large (on leash) dog. I can understand it would be quite intimidating when reversed!

What do you think the other owners response would have been if you had called out to her before her dog charged at yours? I'm not sure what you'd say to her to make her take you seriously and keep her dog away? Perhaps tell her yours has come down with a nasty bout of kennel cough so best they keep their distance :o

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Swf or not, you were doing all the right things...the other owner should take responsibility for their dogs behaviour!

When i used to walk my 80kg bullmastiif x rott, i used to get bailed up by all sorts of size dogs and believe it or not, i found the small ones the biggest problem. Thankfully he was not a dog that fired back when attacked. Sadly the owner of the other dogs is usually an irresponsible owner, and no amount of talking to them will make them think their dog or them has done wrong. Very very frustrating. Very very dangerous.

Some people just should NOT own dogs!

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I'm tempted to say...

1. Call your dog back to heel

2. Ask other owner to do the same

3. If they don't, produce super soaker from inside your bag and give other dog a thorough point-blank wetting. :sleep:

Or else, avoid the park? I mean, is there anywhere else you can go to exercise her?

I say produce the super soaker and give the owners a point blank wetting for being so stupid as not to call their dog back!!!

I also have SWF who I have put a lot of effort into training so they don't conform to the stereotype. I certainly don't appreciate it though when other stupid owners let their dogs rush mine - bigger or smaller. I generally ask other people to call their dog back (one of mine is actually very fearful of other dogs so I have taken many backwards steps by other dogs rushing at her) in a very commanding voice. Failing that I go up to every single stupid owner and explain to them exactly why I asked that and why it is important that their dog doesn't rush at other dogs. Some people are rude and some very understanding.

To be honest I don't think there is all that much you can do about it. It just goes with the territory of having a smaller dog and worrying about it.

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You and your super soaker SA :sleep:

This is interesting as it's the other end of the spectrum. I often have problems with people letting their SWF race up to my large (on leash) dog. I can understand it would be quite intimidating when reversed!

What do you think the other owners response would have been if you had called out to her before her dog charged at yours? I'm not sure what you'd say to her to make her take you seriously and keep her dog away? Perhaps tell her yours has come down with a nasty bout of kennel cough so best they keep their distance :o

Except for the time when we were right in front - which I should have said something to them about - they were too far away to be able to communicate properly - we could only hear what she was yelling as she ran towards us to protect her dog from the poo bag throwing man (my dad). We were a good 10-20 metres away at least and it's windy on the beach.

Agreed - some people shouldn't be allowed dogs!

It really isn't the size of the dog but the behavior... I think a big point though is dog owners who don't realise that stalking doesn't equal playing :) I've noticed particularly that alot of working breeds like to stalk other dogs and it's not really a nice/playful thing they are doing generally - reckon that's because they are bored with inner city life?

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At the same time I see alot of working dogs who will 'stalk' their way up to my dogs say a quick hello and run off again.

Often with working dogs its when the SWF runs away that they get chased and herded. I just ask mine to sit or drop so that this doesn't happen and stand next to my dogs and ask the owner to call their dog away. It have solved LOTS of problems!!

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Stop talking about your dog.

Pick up your dog and then start talking about yourself.

Scream and cry out in fear "get your dog, get it away from me. Your dog is trying to bite me, Get your dog away from me" .

Works like a charm every time. Watch them get their dog in a hurry and get as far away from you as possible.

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This happens to me too.

The boyfriend and I will step in between the dog and Charlie... we distract the other dog to come over for a pat or simply block off the rush from Charlie. I will say 99% of the time the dogs are over excited and will come for the pat and then we distract the dog till Charlie comes over to say the hello. If Charlie keeps his distance, we call the owner over to get their dog/s.

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At the same time I see alot of working dogs who will 'stalk' their way up to my dogs say a quick hello and run off again.

Often with working dogs its when the SWF runs away that they get chased and herded. I just ask mine to sit or drop so that this doesn't happen and stand next to my dogs and ask the owner to call their dog away. It have solved LOTS of problems!!


I'm not saying the OP shouldn't be cautious, but nothing in her post suggested that the dog had anything but friendly intentions.

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It really isn't the size of the dog but the behavior... I think a big point though is dog owners who don't realise that stalking doesn't equal playing :D I've noticed particularly that alot of working breeds like to stalk other dogs and it's not really a nice/playful thing they are doing generally - reckon that's because they are bored with inner city life?

My BCs stalk before they play, typical BC crouch and slow walk in with a lot of eye, then the charge followed by a game of chase etc. Different breeds do play differently and stalking play in a suburban herding dog is not usually anything to do with boredom any more than snappy nasty SWF are the norm for these dogs.

My BCs prefer to play with other BCs or kelpies (and the odd dally) rather than other breeds because they understand the rules of BC play.

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Owners of such dogs should take full responsibility for the behaviour of their dogs! It is so infuriating that some people can be so nonchalant. As you said, the owner of the kelpie obviously was aware as to the behaviour of her dog given that she saw your dad throw the bag at him yet feels that her dog should be allowed to behave in all matter of ways? Short of a labotamy, nothing will ever change.

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Dang there goes my plan - I was about to go buy a massive super soaker and a sign that reads "If your dog stalks mine prepare to be super soaked" :D

DerRottwelier - that solves nothing ... instead my dog becomes a jailed prisoner that never gets to enjoy outside :D

Janba - yeah I watch alot of working breeds play like this and yes it's Luna's fault for running if they run at her but I can't really blame her :laugh: This dog didn't break off or wag it's tail as it got closer it just went for her. There were 2 kelpies at another park near my old house that used to stalk everything (including people) but they wouldn't chase and they pretty much ignored all other dogs just waiting for their owner to throw the ball... it was funny to watch them but abit unnerving :laugh:

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I hate when small dogs annoy my big dog, but I'm not in fear for her life when it happens. I get the point that everyone should keep their dogs well controlled, no matter what size their dogs are, but I think there's a difference there too.

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