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Flatulence (phew!)


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I have posted before about my boy's behaviour, but this time I would like advice about what is best to feed him.

When I first brought him home, I bought quite an expensive "wet" food and organic dry biscuits. This led to very green dumps and quite runny. So I changed to a protopak, roll type food, which stated it had all the correct ingredients, vitamins and minerals he needed, as well as a good quality dry food.

These proved beneficial as his stools became firm and regular.

I use a natural chicken jerky as a training aid, and I use 'shaping' or 'targeting' quite alot to train my boy to do things, which means that he gets alot of the chicken jerky. Even though I break them in to very small pieces he still ends up eating alot of them. BUT they must be quite rich, because what comes out the other end, looks the same in colour and smells the same as it went in.

What I would really like to know is what sort of food I can feed him that is good for him, low in manitenance and decreases the "farting". Also for a medium sized dog (11kilos) how much is the correct amount to be feeding him. (he gets walked an hour each morning and afternoon). And can anyone suggest what sort of "treat' I can use as a training aid (he hates liver). He has just turned 2 and has filled out nicely. When we first brought him home from the pound he was quite thin, but now (4 months later) looks quite suelte and can only feel his ribs by running your hands don't each side of his body. But is quite muscly and his coat is shiny and healthy looking.

Any advice would be helpful.

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Guest belgian.blue

Does the chicken jerky contain any salt?

I find wheat and high salt makes my girl fart horribly. Also if she gets too much chicken of any sort.

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Maybe try making your own chicken treats. I brought chicken fillets and then cut them into even slices and then cooked/dried in a low oven. There are also those driers used for making dried fruit etc/

I also use Delish Spear Fish - my boys love them. It is freeze dried fish slices.

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My dog was a fart machine up until a few months ago. I wish I knew what changed to stop the farts, or at least the offensive smells. The only thing I can think of is that I feed him fewer pork bones these days, and more beef bones.

I also started using kabana as his treat. It's not very healthy, but he only gets small amounts, and he would do absolutely anything to get the stuff. He has never jumped into the bath so voluntarily.

Yogurt works for humans, and apparently charcoal tablets do too. I have seen charcoal treats at pet supply shops. They may cause constipation though. Human vegetarians fart more than human carnivores/omnivores, so maybe something similar happens in dogs?

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Thanx for the input.

I think I might try making my own treats, at least I'll know what is in them.

At the moment his main meal is chicken "chunkers". They are like small meatballs of chicken, mixed with scrambled egg and parsley. I give him these warmed and mixed with dry biscuits, at present his stools are well formed and no "smells". It is only when I give him the "chicken jerky" in large amounts when training (targeting/shaping) do the smells start and the runs begin. So I'm only giving him these rarely and hopefully can find (or make) an alternative.

My next question: Has anyone got any recipes that I can make to use as training treats?

Thanx guys:) : :D )

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A friend of mine gave both our dogs a chicken jerky-type treat which resulted in them both having the runs. Chicken thigh meat gives my boy the farts/runs as well.

I'm not sure where you would get it in Perth (haven't lived here all that long) but I used to order dried lamb puff from Callicoma Kelpies to use as a treat. Supposed to be a good alternative for dogs that don't like liver, certainly got :D here.


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Since using the "Chunkers" as his main meal, as well as a small handful of dry biscuits the farts have stopped, thankgod! They are supposed to be all natural and made with high quality ingredients, all I know is what comes out the other end is well formed and a good colour! (lol what a subject!)

I went to a well respected pet shop and asked what I could use as treats for training as the chicken jerky strips and smackos cause him to have to runs. After going through many choices we decided on a puppy treat. Her thinking, as was mine that if it was ok to feed a puppy without causing an upset stomach then it should be ok for my boy. The ingredients consisted of rice and soy as well as others, but no preservatives and she assured me that they would not be too rich. So I am giving these a try with crossed fingers.

I also bought some KONG peanut biscuits as he loves working out how to get the food out, as well as him getting food out it, it gives me hours of enjoyment wathing his antics as he tries to get the treat out!

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