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Puppies In Prisons Coming Up On 7pm Project Very Soon


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Yeah so good to see this programme becoming more widespread in Australia prisons :o it is a win win situation for all involved :cry: and I would say does more to rehabilitate the prisoners than other programs do. A great way for the inmates to contribute to society and feel worthwhile and receive so much love and attention from their non judging charges :hug:

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A lovely story. A prison rehabilitation program that looks like it will meet it's objectives. They would be developing so many skills other than just learning to train a dog.

It would be interesting to see if they found it affected things like the violence rate between inmates - I imagine it would as they learn to communicate and cooperate more effectively.

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Lovely story. What better way to heal broken people but with the love of a dog? I do wonder how they cope with the separation though, after having had the dog with them night and day for so long.

Yeah they must be devastated to part with them, but I think (hope) they would probably be replaced with a new pup.

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I also agree that it is a wonderful idea BUT I do get a little concerned that the dogs don't get enough external stimulation and socialisation.

I'd like to see someone occasionally take them to a busy shopping centre, railway station, school playground, on a bus etc.

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I'd like to see someone occasionally take them to a busy shopping centre, railway station, school playground, on a bus etc.

I agree with you. Socialisation, as wide as possible, is crucial for all dogs. But I think it does happen. Arranged via the training team.

There's also been research tracking this Qld program & I believe one of the first findings was that the presence of the puppies not only benefited the prisoners, but also the staff.

They found the same thing with pet therapy dogs in hospitals. An unexpected spin-off was benefits to the staff as well as the patients.

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