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It's Sashy's 4th Birthday Today!


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It's my special girl's 4th birthday today!! She's been with us 1.5 years now (came from rescue) and she is the most delightful, beautiful, lovely girl I could have ever hoped for!!

She is slightly neurotic and has some issues, but none that we can't deal with!! I adore her, our bond has grown very strong - and being my first venture into my very own rescue - well, I'm a convert now. Rescue dogs ROCK!! They are just special somehow.

With the wedding prep, it snuck up on me this year... however, I did remember and will give her a special treat on my lunch break - and she will be spoilt and fussed over tonight!!

Happy birthday my beautiful girl - I love you very very much, you're my special baby girl.


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Thanks guys :cry:

Sashy had a nice day - I think she knew it was her birthday, she was extraordinarily bouncy and playful ALL day!! She got lots of new toys, she didn't know what to play with first - but loved them all. She also got a free bag of Advance kibble from Petbarn :cry:

She was fussed over, serenaded, kissed and cuddled. She was so pooped, she refused to go the long way on the walk, just wanted to get home for a play, a lovely dinner of her favourite things (cheese, chicken breast, sardines) and then a snooze. Haven't heard a peep from her for a good couple of hours now!!

I'd say she's a happy little girl.

Happy 4th birthday to my beautiful angel girl :D

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