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Getting A Second Dog

Rileys mum

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I have a 6 month old pointer who is the most beautiful, loving boy ever. I have found however that he frets badly whenever I leave him outside. He will cry for hours n spend the whole time looking for me. I've tried the training methods to help his fretting, and they helped a little but he still cries all day.

Anyway, my friend bought over her dogs the other day and he instantly settled. They stayed for 2 nights and he would play and sleep and wasn't worried about my absence at all

so I have been thinking about getting another dog as a companion. I was planning to get another dog in any case but not so soon. What do others think of the idea? Has anyone done the same and got a second dog as a companion?

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Guest belgian.blue

I have a nearly two year old Belgian Shepherd girl and now a four month old Pointer boy .. best thing I did was add Badger to the family :rofl:

Ivy used to hate me going out without here, she'd whinge/bark and just stress. Now they both hate me leaving the house :laugh: but they soon forget about me and play together.

Don't think I could ever own one dog only again ..

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I think you will be hard pressed here for anyone to say it is a bad idea. I got my second dog when my oldest was about 7 months old and we never looked back. For him and for me it was the best decision I ever made.

One of my favorite photos of them together





Once you have the second dog you will wonder why you ever questioned yourself in doing it!!

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We added our second addition to our furry family when my lovely Jesie was just 9 months old. Jesie is very much a people person. Just loves to be around everyone. Leaving her all day to go to work was terrible. Getting Jodie was the best thing we ever did for her. Jesie and Jodie just adore each other. They play, eat and sleep together. If one needs the vet the other likes to tag along.

At first though I thought I would pull my hair out. Two puppies at the same time, OH MY GOD! :laugh: Jesie is super active and is always on the go, Jodie was the naughtiest puppy in the entire world! Between them they did my head in.

However they have grown up now. Jesie is nearly three and Jodie has just turned 2. They have both settled down (well Jodie has!) and I still maintain it was the best thing I could ever have done for my dogs. I will never have just one dog again while working full time. I will always have two now.

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Although I think a companion dog is a nice thought, my concern would be that the dog has anxiety about you, so after the novelity of a 2nd dog wears off he may go back to having anxiety again?

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I wouldn't get a second dog until the first one is well trained and can help "teach" the new one the ropes. Two well trained dogs are a joy, two unruly ones are a nightmare!

Since everyone is saying "do it", I think there are some other factors to consider:

* Cost - the cost of everything is double. Both seem to get sick at once and you have to pay for double consults, meds etc. You also need to double your budget for feeding, vaccs etc.

* Time - Both dogs will need time apart, for training and socialisation purposes. If your dogs are together 24/7, they will become too attached IMO and you'll have two very fretful dogs if they ever need to spend time apart (eg if one gets sick and is in hospital). Do you have the time to train and walk them seperately?

If you do get another dog, it is best to ensure that they spend some time on their own, for their own good. Bear in mind that the first and second dogs might not actually become good "friends" either. My two get along veery well and there has never been a fight, but they have never snuggled up to each other and ignore each other 90% of the time. They will play for about 1/2 an hour a day but that is it!

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I was thinking along similar lines to Megan.

Get the 2nd dog if you wish. Personally I would not whilst the current dog is exhibitng this neediness. There is also a strong likelihood if the existing dog is not comfortable and confident being on his own, that it may necessarily be just you he feels he needs to be with. this could very easily trabsfer onto the next dog. This will create a entire new miriad of issues.

On the very top of my list of importance when introducing any new addition to my family is to ensure that as soon as possible I train the new dog to be confident and comfortable in it's own company. This requires a lot of extra time to achieve than when you have one dog alone at home, much easier to teach in that situation.

There is a reasonably strong likelihood that your first dog will bond so strongly with the 2nd dog that you may have difficulties separating them for walks, trips to the vet and all the other important things. If you have not had the skills or experience to train your dog out of his neediness for you, are you going to be able to prevent it being needy of the new dog? And are you prepared to start this training from day one, because if you wait until you find out if the dog is becoming too clingy, then the training is going to me that much harder?

If this is not a priority to you, then that is fine, but I would look very seriously as to why it is not. Dogs that need each other can and do end up running your life equally as much as when they need you.

I am not saying do not get the 2nd dog. but just take the time to look at all these angles.

Good luck with whatever you decide to do.

Edited by dyzney
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Having a second dog is awesome :rofl:

We got Emmy when Charlie was over a year old. The best decision the boyfriend and I've made. Emmy has bought all of us so much happiness and joy.

My 2 absolutely love and adore each other :laugh:

Edited by CW EW
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Out of interest:

I know its a terrible idea to get 2 puppies at the same age! so what would be the youngest age of the first dog before you would consider getting another dog?

No set age for me, once the first dog is trained to what I want, i would then get a second dog - Kaos came along when Atlas was 18 months old, Had I been happy with Atlas when he was 6 months old, i would have gotten a second dog then

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Out of interest:

I know its a terrible idea to get 2 puppies at the same age! so what would be the youngest age of the first dog before you would consider getting another dog?

No set age for me, once the first dog is trained to what I want, i would then get a second dog - Kaos came along when Atlas was 18 months old, Had I been happy with Atlas when he was 6 months old, i would have gotten a second dog then

Same with me.

I would of gotten a second puppy when Charlie was 6 months (and began looking and had narrowed down to what breeds to get - it wasn't a Japanese Spitz either!) but situation changed. Knew I was going to always get another dog but I really had to wait till the time felt/was right.

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I have a 6 month old pointer who is the most beautiful, loving boy ever. I have found however that he frets badly whenever I leave him outside. He will cry for hours n spend the whole time looking for me. I've tried the training methods to help his fretting, and they helped a little but he still cries all day.

Anyway, my friend bought over her dogs the other day and he instantly settled. They stayed for 2 nights and he would play and sleep and wasn't worried about my absence at all

so I have been thinking about getting another dog as a companion. I was planning to get another dog in any case but not so soon. What do others think of the idea? Has anyone done the same and got a second dog as a companion?

Hi, I also have pointers and highly recomment having more than one. Pointers are very needy in wanting to be with their humans and I have found that mine keep each other occupied beautifully after I leave. I had 2 for a long time and now have 3 ! I think this breed of dog do very well in keeping each other company. Personally I wouldn't have a pointer on it's own unless I was home for most of the time. Good luck in working through the anxiety but honestly, my older boy cannot cope on his own and as soon as I got the second pointer all was well. Maybe consider giving a rescue pointer a home ?? My third boy is a rescue and is delightful.

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It is true that you can't be sure your current dog is fretting from general loneliness or fretting because you aren't around. But given your recent experiences it sounds like it's worth a shot, but I think you should have a plan for how to deal with it if it doesn't permanently help your current dog.

My younger one is very bonded to the older guy, but not to the extent that he wouldn't happily head off on an outing with just me and leave the older dog behind. I didn't do much in the way of separation training with him early on. He is fine as long as he has me, or the other dog, or the OH. All of us is best.

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I think getting a second dog to fix a behavioural issue with your first is fraught with danger.

What would you do if you ended up with TWO dogs with separation anxiety?? Pups take their lead from older dogs.

Get some help, fix the issue and then add a second dog for the best reason there is to get one - because you'd really like another.

Personally I recommend spacing dogs out a fair way. Two young dogs is fun. Two very old dogs is challenging and losing two in quick succession is heartbreak.

Depending on the standard life span of your dog, I'd wait 4 - 6 years to get a pup or get a mature dog 4-6 years older than your current one. A well adjusted more mature dog might solve both issues.

Edited by poodlefan
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Thanks guys. All the con arguments are ones I have given a lot of thought to. Don't get me wrong, my pup is very obedient and calm in my presence. I do encourage and practice separation with him but I feel his pining now may more be due to loneliness as he settled instantly the moment another dog was with him. He will eventually quiet down but I hate the thought of him being alone. I'll keep thinking about the idea and continue with my separation training.

I agree with the poster re: pointers being very clingy naturally to their owners. All my friends with pointers tell me their dogs were the same and settled when another dog was added to the family. Sigh.

Thanks again guys.

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