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Miss Winnie


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The lovely Jata and Winnie the Bulldog came and met me for a photo shoot today.

What a gorgeous girl she is. SO full of beans, Winnie was so much fun :rofl: She just cemented the fact that I want to own her breed one day. Such a beautiful dog :)

You will note a theme throughout these photos. THAT TONGUE!!










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YES I am VERRRRRRY happy! Bec worked her magic and got the most beautiful pics :thumbsup:

Winnie was absolutely nuts, hence the tongue :) she has been sleeping ever since we got home from all the activity!

Thanks Bec for such wonderful pics & for inviting us into your home, your a gem :rofl:

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:) Thanks guys! Isnt she beautiful!!!??

Jata it was an absolute pleasure :thumbsup: Lovely to meet you both. Winnie was so much fun!

Oh and I have to share the funny little friend poor Winnie met! This fiesty pipsqueak came running over to us at the park and took an instant dislike to Winnie. (whats not to like!?)

Pipspeak was all teeth, growling and nipping! Winnie was such a good girl. Whilst fascinated with this strange little dog she just carried on with her business and didnt react one bit :rofl:




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:laugh: I have been waiting for these :)

bec great photos well done !!!

jata winnie is sooo gorg :) eous & has grown so much !!!

love the tongue theme :) ....."all about the tongue" :)

also , love the teeth action on little dog,like everyone else ...guess it wanted part of action too

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