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Kepala Photos - June


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Wow she looks nothing like what she usually looks.

Great photos lappiemum :o

and last, but no least, Sohvi having her first Kepala hydrobath.....(which saved both my back and time!! :hug: )

sohvieinthebath.jpg see, they are relatively skinny when you get past the fur!

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Sohvi looks great in the kepala bath Lappiemum! You're welcome to use mine anytime but i'm on the other side of melbourne to you! :cry:

I did a naughty tonight. I hope Charlotte's ok, i let her out of confinement for some cuddle time outside of the cage and she slipped over on the damn tiles :cry: She seems ok, leg is moving normally and she got up immediately. I'll keep an eye on her for a few days.

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Hopefully all is well LC - we're looking forward to seeing our Charlotte back at Kepala again soon!!

Something to keep in mind Kepala photographers - I reckon at the end of the year we should submit our best 5 pics, and then have a vote to select the 12 most popular for a Kepala calendar - what do you all think??

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She's still looking ok, kepala swim is in 2 weeks exactly and vet said theres nothing stopping us from going to July kepala with the water baby! I cant wait to have her running again. There will be no stopping her once shes back to being active i wont know myself! I'll have my active silly golden back in no time.

Yes! definately a brilliant idea to do a calendar.

I have some pretty lovely photos. Perhaps our December one we should "TRY" to get a group photo of dogs and owners (which ever owners wish to be in the photo).

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I think next kepala i'll come with an empty memory card so that way i can take up to 536 photos! :cheer:

I just took 2 updated photos of your fave golden Lappiemum :laugh:

Fur is VERY slowly growing back. It's amazing how slow a long coated dog's fur grows after an op. Her fur is so slow to grow you'll probably still notice by next kepala which leg had the op.

post-21332-1276608974_thumb.jpg post-21332-1276608982_thumb.jpg

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I think next kepala i'll come with an empty memory card so that way i can take up to 536 photos! :cheer:

I just took 2 updated photos of your fave golden Lappiemum :laugh:

Fur is VERY slowly growing back. It's amazing how slow a long coated dog's fur grows after an op. Her fur is so slow to grow you'll probably still notice by next kepala which leg had the op.

post-21332-1276608974_thumb.jpg post-21332-1276608982_thumb.jpg

ohhhh - poor charolotte - she needs lappie cuddles too.......!!

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Great pics Lappiemum!

Lovely to see some new pics of Charlotte LC! Looking forward to seeing her next month!

aitewan: Welcome to DOL, and thanks for bringing Obi and Rose along to meet us all on Sunday!

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