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Flea Control


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I use a spot-on treatment to control fleas on my dogs. We have not seen a flea here for many, many years. This is in spite of the fact that we regularly take them out walking, do obedience training and trialling, etc. so plenty of chances to pick up fleas and bring them home.

I am very happy they don't suffer from fleas and don't want to be getting slack or taking chances with them. But also wondering if I'm overdoing things by treating them regularly for fleas when they really haven't ever had them.

I wonder if it is worth treating them for fleas over the winter months. We live in Adelaide.

Any thoughts and experiences from others?

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I havent treated for fleas in years.

I have only had one flea problem and that was over 10 years ago at mums house.

If i see a flea, I will treat, but until then, i dont worry about it

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I've never treated my current boy and never seen a flea on him.

Don't see the point or any benefit (only harm) of chemical administration if there's no need for it.

Edited by Erny
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we have showdogs/boarding kennels & grooming salon & we have no fleas & we dont treat our dogs either.

I see no point adding chemicals just in case.

If am travelling to a show where the risk is high then i will take precautions but otherwise nope never use the stuff BUT i appreciate some people & states have a bigger issue & need to do so for prevention issues

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It really depends on your area.. where my work is the fleas are SHOCKING.. a lot of people are having to bomb their houses they are that bad and even though its winter we are seeing lots of flea infested dogs. So we recommend year round protection there.... BUT my dads house has a few fleas every summer so he sticks to flea stuff in the warmer months.. for my mums house I've never seen a flea there so the dog is on Interceptor. My boyfriends house has a few so the dogs are on Revolution year round.

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I use Sentinel and reduce it to every 8 weeks over Winter. I give it every 6 weeks in the warmer months. We also have never had a flea problem and I am loathe to alter my regime even now that I do not rescue, in case we get fleas.

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I live in Melbourne and haven't had a flea on my dogs for three years, if I did I would use Advantage. I can see no point in treating a dog with chemicals to control fleas when there aren't any.

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