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Spikes Puppy, Anything To Say, Mmm? ;)


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Writing this in the car on the way home lol so forgive any spelling mistakes :laugh:

Today at the Border Terrier Club of Victoria's Championship Show, Ziva (Ch Glenbogle Magic Moments) was awarded 1st Open Bitch, Bitch Challenge and to top it off: BEST EXHIBIT IN SHOW!!!

The judge was Mrs Julie Clark of Lester Border Terriers in New Zealand.

I think Ziva is sick of her daughter, Casey getting all the glory and decided it was time for her to step up :thumbsup:

Casey herself was awarded 1st baby puppy bitch & opposite baby in show :thumbsup:

Will post full results later :thumbsup:

but RUBISS went to Gaela's boy Ch Bohunt Pillow Fight :laugh:

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Thank you, everyone :D

I guess I wouldn't bother showing if I didn't think there was any chance of winning but I truly wasn't expecting such a result when I got up on Saturday morning lol.

Actually, I've been so focused on baby Casey lately, and she has been doing so well that I was going in to win Baby in Show ;)

To win our class of 3 was great, to win challenge even BETTER (then reserve went to Z's younger half-sister which was lovely )but to win BEST IN SHOW was just, wow. NO WORDS to describe it. As a bitch, history shows there's less chance of being awarded the top honour, and Ziva herself, although a very nicely put-together bitch, is not flashy nor does she command attention.

She showed herself off to her maximum potential, putting everything she had into her movement and really driving herself forward around the ring - all on a lose lead (she is difficult to show, there are times when I have to almost drag her around the ring if she's in a 'mood' ;) ).

It was so nice to have so many people there, many who have been there for me since I started with Caber back in 2004. Although her breeders, Sue & Ron of Glenbogle have exhibited a BISS winner, Ziva is the first one they have bred, and she is a granddaughter of 2 BISS winning dogs (one being a multi BISS & multi RUBISS winner). The owners of Ziva's sire (Ch Breckonside Bens Boy) and of the latter grandsire mentioned above, were also there and I was just so proud that I could take Ziva to that level for them. It was quite an emotional day in our camp ;) Apparently Ziva is the very image of her grandsire, who is now deceased, and I am just so LUCKY to have this girl.

Casey was awarded 1st baby puppy bitch (out of 3) and Opposite baby in show, so also very proud of the 'next generation'.

Overall, a great but exhausting and emotional day!! But one I wont forget any time soon ;)


Best in Show :D

The picture frame the judge is holding up? Is the gorgeous new perpetual trophy, which is still in it's bubble wrap atm because I need to find somewhere safe to display it :(


Opposite Baby in Show


Caber & Ziva in Brace class :)


:laugh: Oh SP, what a day for you & Ziva & Casey :cry:

What a dream come true :(

Huge congratulations on a day you'll always remember :laugh::o

fifi xxxxxx

Thank you, fifi :) as one of the breeders/exhibitors I look upto and aspire to be like, this means alot. One day we will make the trek up so the little scruffers can meet the big scruffers ;)


Fantastic result SP - am looking forward to all those bubblies on Monday!!! - and its definately your shout!!!

Are you now Ziva's cheer squad too? LOL.

Super HUGE congrats Ziva and Elsa, what a win!! So thrilled for you. Rapt that I got to see her win!!

Thanks, Megan :( was lovely to see you on Sat, although briefly!!

Bah! I thought I'd replied to this thread but only on facebook....


You go girl... you and your ladies are kicking some ass!

LOOOOOOOOOOOOOLLLLLLLLLL youe such a dag!!! Thank you :)

Thank you SO MUCH everyone ) I really mean it :) :)

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Great photos SP :-)

That outfit really suits you.

You are streets ahead of me, a beautiful recent litter and BISS :laugh:

My big scruffers would have a ball with your little scruffers :rofl:

Are you still on that cloud ?!!! :-)))


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