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Seven Year Old Girl Competing In Schutzhund


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Hi Corvus

This girl is the daughter of a top, HOT trialler in the USA. Her father has competed in the World ttles, also she is trained by T. Floyde, the top USA Schutzhund trainer. I believe her mother also competes.

The girl does an excellent routine with a 5 year old dog of very sound temperament.

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She's got the moves and the attitude. :laugh: I like how the dog almost doesn't even need to look up to look her in the eye. :laugh: I kinda want to say she's cute, but it's not really the right word. She's too accomplished to be cute!

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Wow!! she's going to be a fantastic trainer, I imagine in the not too distant future.

Yep she can belt out a command my throat is sore just listening to her.



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I watched this video with interest and perhaps I expected more based on the above comments. I was dissapointed in the heeling of this dog as it was forging out in front all the time and didn't seem to have the impact during the bite work as others do.

If this girl trained this dog, then perhaps I would say she's got potential, but unfortunately we know that's not true. When watching a malinois do the same trial on another video, you can see the difference with both handler and performance. The impact of the bite for example almost knocking the aggressor down, the speed of the dog during the first search pattern and more importantly the heeling during escort.

Nothing against the kid, but I wasn't overly impressed by the routine, but then again, I watch the dog and how it works versus the one giving commands because anyone with some basic training can take a well trained sch dog and put it through its paces and give a similar performance. I would hope this run wasn't marked higher, simply because the child wasn't much taller than the dog.

There are some wonderful runs up on youtube of the same event that I encourage people to watch.

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The dog heels more nicely in the obedience portion of the trial, which is also on Youtube. I'm not sure how badly slightly sloppy heeling is supposed to be penalised in the protection section anyway?

It would be cooler if she'd trained it too, though. :laugh:

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I watched this video with interest and perhaps I expected more based on the above comments. I was dissapointed in the heeling of this dog as it was forging out in front all the time and didn't seem to have the impact during the bite work as others do.

If this girl trained this dog, then perhaps I would say she's got potential, but unfortunately we know that's not true. When watching a malinois do the same trial on another video, you can see the difference with both handler and performance. The impact of the bite for example almost knocking the aggressor down, the speed of the dog during the first search pattern and more importantly the heeling during escort.

Nothing against the kid, but I wasn't overly impressed by the routine, but then again, I watch the dog and how it works versus the one giving commands because anyone with some basic training can take a well trained sch dog and put it through its paces and give a similar performance. I would hope this run wasn't marked higher, simply because the child wasn't much taller than the dog.

There are some wonderful runs up on youtube of the same event that I encourage people to watch.

I agree it's very unlikely she trained the dog, but I still think for a seven year old she's pretty impressive :laugh:

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I agree it's very unlikely she trained the dog, but I still think for a seven year old she's pretty impressive :cry:

I agree! That is not something every seven year old can do. I am 22 and my handling is crap :shrug: And good on her for showing the world that Schutzhund is not a scary sport! :mad

Edited by huski
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I can only comment on the video that was suggested. Being a shepherd and that they have an inate need to be protective, yes I agree, however the dog was not in my opinion in the correct position for escort and I will state that anyone of any age that is given the right instruction can put a properly trained schutzhund dog through their paces. Like most obedience that has a set pattern, the dogs learn what is coming up next and prepare for that task. If this child was moving a working dog to pen sheep and had to manipulate the dogs movements based on the sheep and the enviroment, it would be a different thing.

Not downing the kids ability here, don't get me wrong, but I'm not going to praise to the hilt either for something that simply wasn't as good as it could be. Remember, I'm looking at the performance of the dog and never have put into account the age of anyone handling for any performance event. That's what makes our various dog sports interesting in that age doesn't matter, nor should the 'run' be more impressive if handled by a ten year old compared to an eighty year old.

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