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Help! My Dane bitch has a very swollen mammary gland and a temperature of 40.8. she is shivering a bit although it is quite warm here. I have been applying hot compresses and trying to express the milk manually but obviously it is quite painful. I'll go to the vet whenthey open but does anyone have any other suggestions as to what I can do in the meantime? Pups are 8 days old.

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Hot & cold compreseses,alternativley ,Would also stop manual expressing till seen by vet ,if bich is happy to feed mak sure pups r not on effected boob .

do u have cabbage leaves ?also a good remedy .

good luck, but get her to vet asap antibiotics will help .

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Even after you have the antibiotics from the vets, go to your local greengrocer and get as many outer DARK GREEN cabbage leaves they will give you.

NOTEyou want the ones the greengrocers trim off and throw out. Place in your refrigerator to chill.

Fill half the whelping box with chilled cabbage leaves, you will find the bitch will lie on the cabbage leaves, change cabbage leaves about every 2 - 3 hours!

There is an enzyme (forgottrn name) that helps relieve and break down the lumps in the breast caused by the mastitis.

This is the time to billed up a good relationship with your greengrocer. Used leaves can go in compost or on the worm farm.

Also if you plan to mate this bitch again, can I suggest that from day 3 after whelping you put the cabbage leaves in one end of the whelping box, this helps cut the incidence of severe mastitis re-occurring.

Hope this assists you.

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Thanks guys. We have a vet's appointment at 9.30, so will then bring her home and go down to the green grocers. Trouble is she won't lie on the side so that teat is available to the pups a couple of whom have extremely strong suction now. I can't believe it has happened so quickly!

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Just back from the vet but they've kept her there and are putting her on a drip. Hope to be able to pick her up later. She's very poorly!

Sorry to read that your bitch is going through this - my Rottie bitch had mastitis with her 1st litter. It was bloody awful. We did all we could to prevent it getting worse but it gets to a point of no return so to speak and needs to be drained - or will burst. She had surgery to clean it up.

I weaned the pups from her, put them on a bottle and dried the mum up and she bounced back really well. I was very concerned about it happening when she was mated the 2nd time - with only 3 pups raised she showed no signs of it again.

It will look worse before it gets better, good luck and I hope your girl is better soon.

Edited by Andisa
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thanks guys! she's looking a lot better now and the swelling has gone down. I went to pick her up this morning but the vet told me to go home and bring the pups back in for a feed to clear everything out. they descended on her like a pack of locusts. Back home again now but have to ring at one to see if I can pick her up then. It's looking pretty good now. Hopefully there won't be any after effects. I just can't believe how quickly she went downhill when it happened!

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Oh i hope she will be ok, keep a really good eye on her, my Mastiff girl developed Mastitis in the first week, high temps of 40+ and shaking, off to the vets in the early hours of the mroning, scary stuff, she was put on AB's and then she got it again in the second week, so back for more AB's, she was so ill, i ended up taking the pups off her and bottle feeding and she bounced back really quickly. Week 3 out of no where (the teats had all gone down) one of the teats swelled up over night like a football, so it was back up to the vets for more AB's and pain meds this time, but in the end it burst, which was probably the best thing for it, once it did that it was fine, healed up in no time.

During this i was stripping all the gunk out and putting steamed cabbage and hot flannels on the affected ones, that did help, also i used castor oil compresses, but you have to make sure the pups don't ingest any of this.

The main thing is really watch her, just when i thought my girl was all fine she would go down hill again, happens so quickly!

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