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P E R T H - Trixie's Birthday Bash!


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AT Perth? That will be Toby's frist trial since nationals. :party:

BTW Happy Bithday Trixie! :shrug:

Yep it's the Perth trial but it says it's at Canine?

Ask Ptolomy :thumbsup: She had to put up with my frustration :whee::cheers: All bad bad bad - next trial is at Canine and if he is still mental / away with the fairies / off his head there then I'm going to have to come up with a different plan. Bloody dogs! :rock: :D :D

My helpful suggestion was giving Amypie Beans to run - that would clearly show her that the frustratin she is feeling with her dog is nothing when given a masters dog to run, with absolutely no skills whatsoever :cheer:

MY brag for today - I won second prize in the raffle - a spiffy new bar jump :rofl:

Yes maybe we could trade :D

Well done on the raffle! I'm one of those people who have never won anything in a raffle ever! :clap::thumbsup:

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:shrug: Ptolomy! My brag is 12 points towards Lincoln's title. :D I am sooooo tired after showing all weekend. :D But I did manage to take the dogs for a walk in the bush and Lincoln went for a big swim in the creek and the lake, he loves it.

Great work ValleyCBR - if you are buggered now - how will you go showing a couple of red dogs as well :thumbsup:

Might have to put you on a get fit campaign :rofl:

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Yep I mean the one at Canine from Perth club Amypie. :rofl:

Ptolomy, not buggered physically but tired from lack of sleep! Brother is back from Japan and his OH is interstate so he is back at home, kicked me out of my comfy bed and has all his mates round till the early morning makin nosie (yes I sound like a Nana! :shrug: )

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The birthday thread has turned into the brags thread! Congrats valley on Lincoln's 12 points! :rofl:

My big brag for the day is that I think I talked ST into trialling Spartan in Rally and we might be joining Southern River on Tuesdays so you can have your English Setter perve. :shrug:

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I don't think SR train on Tuesdays? ACWA & Dobe Club have Tuesdays. :rofl:

Dunno. :shrug: :D Just whenever, no classes for Rally out that way yet anyway. :D

Sorry Trixie, you big girl now (In age, not size)!

Edited by valleyCBR
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I don't think SR train on Tuesdays? ACWA & Dobe Club have Tuesdays. :rofl:

Dunno. :shrug: :D Just whenever, o classes for Rally out that way yet anyway. :D

Are you still going to do rally-o at Eden Hill?

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I don't think SR train on Tuesdays? ACWA & Dobe Club have Tuesdays. :rofl:

Dunno. :shrug: :D Just whenever, o classes for Rally out that way yet anyway. :thumbsup:

Are you still going to do rally-o at Eden Hill?

Yes that too. :D But if I have two dogs training in Rally going to two classes mght help. :thumbsup:

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I don't think SR train on Tuesdays? ACWA & Dobe Club have Tuesdays. :rofl:

Dunno. :shrug: :D Just whenever, o classes for Rally out that way yet anyway. :thumbsup:

Are you still going to do rally-o at Eden Hill?

Yes that too. :D But if I have two dogs training in Rally going to two classes mght help. :thumbsup:

I have two to :cheers: . I actually prefer it because then I can do half a class with each and it's not too long for them.

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Yeah but you have two at a reasonable level. I have two at beginners level. :rofl:

You could even just alternate dogs and take one this week and one the next week and just practice at home with them both, to be honest mason hardly learns anything new in class - I watch, do a little bit of practice myself so I know what to do and then teach it to him at home.

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