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Jane Is Officially A Fatty Boombah!


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Well Jane is officially in the Biggest Loser club now!

I took both dogs down to the vets to be weighed today and Jane was 27.9kg :cry:

Its been abit of a struggle though and there was one day last week when she managed to break into the fridge and GORGE. She looked like she had swallowed a basketball so it was a trip to the vets after hours, an injection and then ejection of food all over the concrete :(

The vet is really pleased with her progress so far and thinks she should loose another 2 kg.

Gus, on the other hand is growing like a weed at 5 months and now weighs 19kg. He was 11.4kg when we adopted him 6 weeks ago. As a Golden Retriever x ?sighthound, I'm not sure how big he will get but he sure is loving the adventure!

Edited by tez
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