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Something New On Our Walk.


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Hi all,

Just after some ideas of what may be causing this?

Today I took Oscar on our usual walk. He is a dog that will pee maybe once if that on a walk. He has never been a marker and has never cocked his leg in his life (much to OH disappointment). He is walked three times a week by a dog walker with another female lab.

So today...

We walked our usual track and he was constantly peeing, short bursts, would sniff then mark. And twice he cocked his leg, once on a pole and once on a bush. It was so out of character as he hardly ever pees on walks and has never done it more than once in a walk.

He is almost 15 months old and has been desexed since he was 6 months. Just wondering what this is all about, it didn’t really affect the walk as he was so quick to mark it didn’t really affect my pace or anything. However by the end I was stopping him from doing it because it became so excessive. He didn’t mind just kept moving on and sniffing like normal.

Just wondering what this would be all of a sudden caused through and what I should be doing if he does go to mark?

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That was my first thought, but it wasn't like he had to pee, just that he wanted to pee wherever he could smell another dog had. He would have a solid sniff, then pee. I am not sure, how do you tell if it is a UTI? I will keep an eye on it, it may have been a once off or a new behaviour he has developed?

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My dog was desexed at 6 months and hadn't cocked his leg by then.. he didn't start till probably around the same age! Now he does it most of the time when he can be bothered I think! I guess its just slower maturity?

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My boy has just started cocking his leg, too. He's almost one. He seems to enjoy peeing all over everything, kind of like he's making the most out of a new experience :hug:

Could there be a female in season somewhere nearby?

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Is cocking the leg something they learn from another dog or natural instinct? I know my dad had a female who used to cock her leg all the time. And OH is extremely pleased he has now 'become a man' as he calls it :hug:

Could there be a female in season somewhere nearby?

Is this something that could cause marking? That would definitely be a high possibility if so. We do have a lot of dogs on our block and it is highly possible that one of them has come in season as a lot are not desexed in our area. Like I said it is so unlike him.

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Kivi only just started cocking his leg and he was neutered at 6 months. He's now just over 2 years. Bemusing, but OH has been rewarding the hell out of it. What is it with men that think their male dogs should cock their legs?? :) I think it's more a social maturity thing. Kivi has been acting much more socially mature lately.

I don't see a need to do anything about it as long as you don't see it as a problem yourself. For some reason Kivi only marks trees at the dog park. That's all.

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Yep he is getting mature and to stop this you will have to correct his behavior! I bet he is also scuffing the dirt afterwords too?

you need to stop this action now before it gets out of hand. when you go for walks before you see him slow down to mark correct him and keep walking and don't stop.

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My bitch still does especially when we go to dog school, mark over everyone else :rolleyes:

It's not a problem, its normal dog behavior. Just control his marking and limit it to when he really needs to pee. I have 2 males here and neither just mark when we go on walks because they have been taught not too. If I give the command off they go for a sniff and a pee :love:

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It could be a 'coming of age' thing. My female was desexed at 6mths and when she got closer to two years she became very interested in marking, I got her checked for a UTI but she was clear - it was more that she wanted to make sure everyone knew she was around! I now let her have toilet time but once we are walking she isn't allowed to stop and mark.

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Hamish was around the same age when he started marking during walks. Even now sometimes he lifts his leg and sometimes he squats...sometimes he is unsure and does a bit of both.

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