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I'm having an issue with my girl Kyra at the moment, over the past week she's become what seems to be majorly jealous whenever either my partner or I give our other dog Brodie, any attention, if we fuss over him and she's around, she'll slightly growl and then nip him on the face :thumbsup:

These two have been together 2 years now and have never had a problem with each other but suddenly she just can't help herself and gets in a mood whenever she's not the centre of attention.

I want to overcome this before it gets worse, not sure if its something i can do myself or would a trainer/behaviorist be a better option?

Not sure whats brought this on either.

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I would say that the girl is showing possessive aggression to the boy meaning that there is a change of pack leaders between them. This rivalry occurs when two dogs are so similar that they find it difficult to determine which is dominant.

Is the boy older than the girl?

Just remember that you are still the pack leader within the hierarchy and be firm with both of them!

Try patting the girl first when you come home and see if this changes the result with the fighting.

see how it goes......

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Personally i'd get onto a behaviourist sooner rather than later. The biggest issue with inter dog issues is usually that they get left to develop for too long.

ETA Its not necesarily strictly hierarchal- it can just be resource guarding too which still needs to be dealt with.

Edited by Cosmolo
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Ok thank you :eek:

Can anyone recommend someone in WA?

I know of a dog trainer in WA I'll have to chase up her number if you like. She use to train with me in Adelaide where we both trained as a dog trainers.

She has been taught by the best.

just remember you have two dogs that a bred for fighting you have to be firm on both!

1.You will need to re teach your dogs the commands to come,sit,and drop

2.Temporarily withdraw affection and rewards, only rewarding obedience to your commands.

3.train your dogs to sit when you enter once they are calm say hello to kyra first then Brodie do this with out patting them. This is still a positive praise to them both.

4.once you have done this a few times and there arn't any growling or snapping introduce a pat to Kyra then Brodie because in the dogs mind they have already set out who is more dominant between them.

Also most female Staffs that i have trained are high in drive so you will have to make her wait and calm down before you praise her.

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I know of a dog trainer in WA I'll have to chase up her number if you like. She use to train with me in Adelaide where we both trained as a dog trainers.

That would be great if you could do that. :rolleyes: Thanks

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