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A Message To Jed


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Hi Jed. I'm glad to hear that you are improving day by day - take it easy, take your time, but hurry :laugh:.

I know you are overwhelmed by the support given you by the DOL community - we're all glad that we could be there to offer this to you, and it is certainly telling of the respect that you have from the people here.

I hope you don't let this stop your posting in your very direct and straight forward manner - I've always enjoyed that your posts shoot straight from the hip, so to speak. So don't go getting all mushy and soft on us, heh? Well, if you do get mushy (we all enjoy :thumbsup: 's from time to time and will be glad to share one or two with you), make sure you return to your very informative and no nonsense style of posting. I miss it. :laugh::).

Get better soon and looking forward to hearing from you.


Edited by Erny
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Nice post Erny! I don't know much about Jed's posts, although I had a read of the one that was linked in the thread about her and it was lovely. Look forward to the day when she's posting again so I can get to know her better.

Hey Jed :thumbsup:

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I don't know Jed but from the sounds of things she is very much respected and as for shooting straight from the hips, that is music to my ears. Good luck Jed and I cannot wait for you to be back online and posting away. Cheers.

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What a great post!

I too am not very familiar with Jed's posts but since hearing about what happened to her I've been having a look around to find some.

Best wishes to you Jed! Sending healing vibes your way!! The huge amount of support from so many people on this website is a testament to your character :thumbsup:

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good post erny :thumbsup:

i am not very good at expressing myself in words , can never get down what i mean :welcome:

i miss jeds posts, i always thought, once jed had posted there was nothing more to say. :)

we miss you jed. :thumbsup:

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Great post ERny, you have said what many us feel. Jed, you have given me great advice over my time on DOL and I am looking forward to seeing you back to full health, and back amongst your DOL friends. You know that this great community of dog lovers, loves you too!

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Nicely said Erny... I think that just about sums up how all of us are feeling about missing Jed's presence around here.

Jed - you are one of the few people on this forum that instantly got my respect and admiration - missing ya heaps babe...

You concentrate on getting back to fighting fit, and we'll keep your spot here warm until you are able to join in fully again, OK?

Gentle hugs from me and soft healing licks from my pack...


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Hi Jed :)

I've been following the update thread and keeping you in my thoughts... I'm so glad to hear of your continued improvement... Can't wait until you are back on board, missed you a bunch around here (no pressure though!) :laugh:

Edited by zayda_asher
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Yes Erny. Looking forward to having your matter of factness back Jed. Your posts were always very enjoyable to read, even if sometimes they were too long ;) ;) :p

LOL .... cheekiness, just because you know that Jed can't type just yet? Beware - I believe she is already capable of stringing emoticons in a line :). Go Jed :hug:.

Edited by Erny
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