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What A Day....


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Well, today has been very eventful!!

It all started when I was woken this morning by SCREAMING from Astro - she's our little rescue Staffy/cattle dog. The dogs were all asleep in my room, and Astro must have moved, and the screaming began!!!! :thumbsup:

I rushed her into the vets (we had a bit of a sleep in this morn as i'd been up late studying), and poor Astro was in a bag way - not able to walk well, screaming when she was moved - you shoulda heard her when I put her in the car!!!!

The vets did lots of xrays and found NOTHING abnormal (it's her hips/musculature that are the issue), also took some joint fluid which we'll get the results back tomorrow..

Apparently at the vets, she was in so much pain that they could hear her at the other end of the surgery screaming anytime she moved ;)

I went and visited her tonight and boy is the poor little thing looking very sad and sorry for herself!!! She's on lots of pain relief which has really helped her along for the night...

Her bloods show she has some muscle inflammation - it's all such a mystery!!! We've had her in at the vets quite a few times with pains around the hips/legs over the last 6 months - things like after going for big runs, she'd then cry out a little that night (so the big walks/runs had to stop), and we were treating that with anti-inflammatory's - but there hasn't been any issues for a couple months now, and now this all of a sudden!!!

Lets hope tomorrow - we have an appoint with the specialist - we can get to the bottom of this, it's so annoying not knowing whats causing such horrendous pain :thumbsup:

Everyone send healing vibes for my poor little sore Astro!!!


Edited by LuvLottie
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My boy had an episode of rear leg lameness that was accompanied by yelping. I feared hip/cruciate problems. It lasted through the afternoon and into the evening. He was still sore the next day, but it had subsided a bit. By the third day (which is the soonest I could get to the specialist) there was no evidence of soreness. It turned out to be severe cramp.

Edited by Erny
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Thanks for the healing thoughts everyone!!!

I went and picked up Astro this morning to take her to the specialist - she was looking better this morning and in no where near the pain which was good!!

So off we tottelled to the specialist (who was LOVELY!!!), and by the looks of it, she's got bilateral (so both sides) strains to her Illiocostal muscle - so that's a muscle that runs up into the belly type area, and runs to the head of the femur (the tendon joins the femur), so as you could imagine, everytime they extended her leg backwards, it was stretching these muscles causing LOTS of pain!!!!

She's on STRICT crate rest for 1 month - with toilet breaks on lead only!!! The poor little thing!! But as long as Dexta (the Rotti) is in the same room she's happy.... Now some exciting things for her to chew on/play with in the crate??

You could tell, even from just one night of cage rest and pain relief she's feeling soooo much better!!!!! Luckily we had a crate (I have a soft crate but Astro can be a bit destructive!!) from when Dexta was a pup and was transported once!!!!

Poor little Astro....


The two girls giving her a little sympathy!!


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Are you getting xray done on Astro?

Hey CW EW :hug:

Yep, Astro had lots of xrays yesterday when she was first in - of her hips, spine and neck - but nothing out of the ordinary!!!

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Glad she is feeling better! How did she manage to get the injury? Lucky she seems to like the crate!

Lottie is looking gorgeous as usual and Dexta is also very cute.

Thanks aussielover!! Well it's kindof been an ongoing injury that no-one could figure out... but the specialist assumes maybe by her jumping (when she was younger she used to jump like crazy!!!! We tried everything and anything to stop it!!!), but probably some sort of trauma like that - maybe even just doing zoomies with the other dogs??

Yeah, i'm lucky she's being so good about it!! She's not crate trained as such, but they're all such easy going, well-behaved dogs that take anything in their stride - but she's very used to being tethered while camping etc - as long as Dexta (the Rotti) is around she's happy!!!!!!!

Not sure what she'll think of it by the end of the month though, haha

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