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Surgery To Remove Anal Glands


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My BC girl has had two chronic infections in her anal glands within the space of 2 weeks. Still considering options but one option recommended is to remove the entire glands. Assuming I did go with this option, I have been given a quote of around $1200 - $1500 to surgically remove one gland and $2000 to remove both. I don't really have anything to compare to, but this seems quite high to me. Of course, I don't want to compromise on the quality of care so if this is what I need to pay, then I will. Just wondering if anyone can offer any views regarding the prices I have been quoted and/or recommendations for vet specialists in Brisbane to do the surgery. Thanks in advance :laugh:

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Why don't you ring around and compare prices? You should be able to get a quote on this surgery over the phone.

I hope they have discussed the chances of incontinence after this procedure. Chronic = a condition over 3 months. She's had one acute infection by the sounds of it (possibly that didn't respond to treatment in the first place) but not two different infections. I would never consider surgery as an option after a single infection. Let her get over it, learn some management of anal glands (including expressing and dietary changes) and see how she goes.

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That does seem very expensive. My friend had her CKC's anal glands removed last year and it cost her around $700.00 I think. She goes to a vet on the Sunshine Coast (not a specialist just her regular vet). Her dog had had chronic problems for years and he has done very well since the surgery.

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I'd be leaving them alone for now. An infection is best treated with antibiotics. This should clear it up relatively fast. Then start your dog on a fibre supplement to increase the poo volume which helps to express the glands and reduce the chance of further infection.

I've only dealt with this once, and Ruby is now fine. :)

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Sorry, I should have included a bit more information. My girl is 11 and this is the first time ever I have had any problems of this sort. I took her to the vet about 3 weeks ago after a couple of days of noticing her 'scooting' and licking in the area. The right anal gland was considerably enlarged (and apparently oddly shaped) and the vet could not express anything from it. Because of its size the vet was concerned it may actually be a growth surrounding the gland but we tried anti biotics to start with. After 2 weeks she appeared to be responding to the anti biotics and by last Friday the gland was almost back to normal size. However I took her back to the vet this morning after noticing the same symptoms were back last night - apparently the gland is now back up to being very enlarged. Apparently because it has become inflamed again so quickly the vet is thinking it is more like an infection / inflammation rather than cancer or something similar. However because it has become inflamed again so soon after the first time (ie less than 3 weeks later) I've been advised the best option is to have at least that gland removed (and ideally both). Each time I have visited the vet they have not been able to properly express the gland.

My initial reaction was that surgery seemed quite an extreme option now given it's only been a problem for a couple of weeks but the vet said it's likely to keep recurring now given the second infection has happened so soon after the first. Ideally I'd like to wait but at the same time I don't want her to be continually going through this discomfort.

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Agree... I wouldn't be jumping on the surgery wagon just yet. Removing them is a pretty big operation and one we try to limit to those who have had chronic ongoing problems, for months, if not years. It's possible in that space of time, that it was an initial infection that wasn't cleared up the first time. I'd go for a longer course of AB's first, packing the glands with AB's, diet changes etc...

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Ruby is 10 and has had two recent surgeries; a splenectomy to remove her spleen and a large cancer attached to it, and a cruciate ligament repair.

I wouldn't be opting for anal gland surgery on an 11 yrs old dog at the first sign of a recurrent infection...attack it with more antibiotics, introduce a fibre supplement, and see if you can get some anti inflammatory ointment to apply to the area to reduce the swelling/inflammation. That should help reduce any discomfort your girl is feeling. :)

P. S - Ruby has always scooted. ;)

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I had a young dog with anal glands infected with Pseudomonas.

The discharge was foul smelling and green.

I was quoted nearly $2000 many mnay years ago.

What I did first though was everyday his anal glands got squeazed and a small amount of Baytril liquid was then squirted into them. He was also on Clavulox as the bug was sensitive to it.

His anal glands were squeezed for eithr 7 or 10 days, can't remember now and he was on Clavulox for 6 weeks.

Thankfully it cleared up as he also was Von Willbrands affected and the surgey is in a very vascular area, as well as the risk of incontinence.

He never scooted, I just noticed fluro green gunk oozing down him bum one day.

I would try a longer course of AB's and daily squeezing etc well before I removed them.

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Anal gland surgery is very painful and messy afterwards,and can lead to incontinence .... like the others, I would change diet .. get a second opinion ,and see how she goes .

What is she fed now? How is her digestion?

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I'd be getting a second opinion, I had an Italian Greyhound for 10 years with anal gland problems - he had Inflammatory Bowel Disease and it causes anal gland issues. I looked at getting them removed but was too worried about the risk of incontinence to go ahead. He was on a very special diet for the 10 years and as long as I got them expressed every 6 wks or so, he was OK.

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One of my girls developed an anal gland abscess which was treated and a few weeks later had the same thing happen to the other anal gland. It happened so suddenly and she was put on Antibiotics again. The vet did mention to remove the glands but I wanted to wait and see. If the problem kept re-occuring then it would be an option but I decided against it at that stage.

A couple of weeks later her glands were expressed, and then again another month later. Now its been a few months since she had the problem and she has been fine. The vet said she has thicker secretions and that was probably why she got blocked up.

If I were you, I would wait and keep an eye on her. Perhaps express the glands once a month or when needed or get the vet to do it.

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