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Sudden Death


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hi everyone, i just lost my 8 months yo rottie puppy last week. she just drop dead suddenly one morning. the night before she was perfectly fine, no sign of sickness or anything. we brought the body to the vet for an autopsy but even the vet didn't know what cause it :thumbsup: . had this ever happenned to anyone before? i was so devastated.

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Miloch how devastating. :) :)

I was talking to a breeder at a show on Sunday and she was talking about liver shunt. She stated that it is in a lot of breeds and the common thing is a fit amd well dog up and dies. It always put down to heart.

Did the vet do an autopsy???

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Hi Miloch

I have no advice, I just wanted to pass on my condolences.

This must have been a horrible shock for you, and not having an answer as to the cause, must make it all the harder to deal with.

:) to you and may your pup RIP.

Maybe your breeder can offer some advice. I would let them know.

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I am so sorry for your loss. What a horrible shock. :)

Unfortunately this did happen to one of my childhood dogs. The vet did an autopsy on her and couldn't find the cause either. It was devastating.

My thoughts are with you.

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hi everyone, i just lost my 8 months yo rottie puppy last week. she just drop dead suddenly one morning. the night before she was perfectly fine, no sign of sickness or anything. we brought the body to the vet for an autopsy but even the vet didn't know what cause it :) . had this ever happenned to anyone before? i was so devastated.

Hi Miloch, I'm very sorry for your loss. I had the same thing with a 8 month great dane once - he dropped dead in the back of the car - just like that. We did have an autopsy done and the result was a congenital heart defect (massive heart attack in other words). :)

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Could it have been snake bite? I know it is winter but there have been some recent reported snake sightings in different areas.

The other horrible thought is a bait. Could someone have thrown something in your yard?

If it had been a heart or liver problem the vet would have found it on autopsy. Another possiblility is a brain aneurism or tumour, that is just as possible in dogs as it is in people. If the brain was not sent for pathology, it may have been found in a normal autopsy.

So sad to lose a young dog so suddenly. :)

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Miloch, this is devastating news. I am so so sorry to hear this has happened to your young girl.

No, I have not had this happen to any of my dogs before.

Did the vet actually conduct the autopsy before concluding that they could not find a cause? This does not happen for no reason.

It would be helpful for you to find out what caused this.

Have you spoken with her breeder to let them know what has happened? I am sure they would like to know.

I hope this has not put you off owning Rottweilers. Hugs to you, it must have been such an awful shock. :)

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My guess would be sudden heart failure due to a defect, or a brain aneurism... both not totally unknown in Rotties and other large breeds. Good breeding practices usually lessen the risks of either of those though.

The exact same thing happened to my friend's Rottie when we were at school, he was walking across the lounge room and suddenly just dropped dead on the floor - it was an aneurism.

Did you vet check the dog's brain?


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Oh this is terrible, I'm so sorry for you.

Never happened to any of my dogs, but my cousin had a young (2-3yo) fit GSD collapse and die at the beach years ago. They were going for a run and the dog just went down. Turned out to be cardiomyopathy (spell?).

Edited by SmoothieGirl
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