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Jimmy Is Peeing In The House, Not On His Loo!

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Hello everyone.

My one year old male Mini Poodle, not neutered, has decided to stop peeing on his very clean pet loo and pee in the house. One spot in particular, our alfresco area that looks out over his pet loo. This area is tiled and has been cleaned with vinegar. Straight vinegar last night, to where we woke to the area peed all over. I looked in his loo, nothing there. I think its now a matter of he knows/thinks he can pee there so he doesnt have to smell. I have tried pepper, doesnt work. I am sure he thought I had missed the salt from seasoning his wee area.

I am now at the end of my tether. I want this to stop and want options on what to do. I know crating him at night will be one option, but what about during the day, do we crate him then too! For how long.

Praise. Our number one tool. But when I get up to see if he is peeing on his loo he looks at me and walks away.

Block off the rest of the balcony and direct him only to his loo. Done that, he has moved inside. Block off the alfresco area. Wont he just find somewhere else to pee, like the carpet! I'd prefer the tiles.

I need more options, more tools to stay one step ahead of my delinquent peeing pup.

Any help would be great!

Thanks in advance.

Jimmy's mum.

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Back to basics...

But, use the leash on him. Lead him where you want him to go and teach him to go on command. Then, of course, when he goes his business... praise him like he won a gold medals at the Olympics or something :rolleyes:

It's all about patience and consistency. In the day time, lock him up in a small area of the house so he doesn't have full rein of the house... when you are at home, you have to keep an eye on him at all time (it's exhausting, i know)... if you can't, put him in a play pen.

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My one year old male Mini Poodle, not neutered

So he will possibly be lifting his leg? I don't know the setup- but guess there is no post or anything for this purpose in a pet loo? he may be now peeing 'with intent' and enjoy marking around his spot ?

Is his pet loo clean and big enough for him,now?

has anything changed around it? Are there any new dogs/cats around?

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