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Any Ideas On What I Can Feed


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I have an 11 year old dog here who has had two bouts of a bloated stomach in the past two weeks. The vet says it is pancreas problems and to cut out all fat in her diet and only give her chicken breast. Apart from the cost of chicken breast it is not a very good diet for her to have for the rest of her life. Has anyone got any ideas on what I can feed her, I am thinking she could still have eggs but she cannot have sardines because of their fat. Any help is much appreciated.

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There are dry foods out there that are acceptable - look for ones with the highest protien and lowest fat - i think Hills did one that qualified and one or two of hte other brands did as well.

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Our breed is highly predisposed to this issue & i would feed chicken for ohow ever long until the issue had settled more.

The alternative isnt a pretty one & it seems you have been lucky thus far,

We had 1 dog have a full blown attack & was very lucky to survive but we never feed any of the prescribed foods but made a very bland home made diet until such a time her normal diet could be re introduced.Her attack was due to eating a few kilos of mince when it fell off a bench top.

Diet also means removing any treats like pigs ears,schmackos etc etc

Some will do the lentil regime or what ever works for that said dog

Edited by showdog
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