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Who Has The Oldest Dog Here?


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Grumpy is now 14.5 years. He's a bit, well, grumpy (!) and his eyesight's fading. He's physically healthy; he came belting into the loungeroom before to see what I was up to and when he found me on the Internet, decided to ransack the bathroom (bathroom door now shut).

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My old staffy girl is currently 2 months shy of her 16th birthday! She was my first staffy rescue, has had numerous operations due to her original neglect, on a special diet for chronic pancreatitis since 2000, got diagnosed with cancerous tumours 3 years ago and was diagnosed with mammary cancer and dementia about 2 months ago. Partly blind and deaf, went from being black to white hair, has a piddle problem, doesn't like to be touched so much now and needs inside and outside warm comfy spots but she is definately not ready to go yet! She plays with me and a young staffy every morning (roughly with the other dog) and would have a tanty if we all went walking without her (she does have a dog pram just in case). Has not once been off her food in her entire life with me (almost 15 years) and starts and ends every day warm and comfortable with a contented look on her face. With the cancer I'm not sure how much longer we will have her so we are taking photos a lot more regularly and never passing up an opportunity to show her how much we love her.

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My old dog 'lady' is 17 gets cartrophen injection monthly for arthritis and is very tottery now doesn't go for walks anymore, but is still quite sprightly in herself and can still get up to ask to go outside to go toilet and is still able to enjoy a good quality of life so looks like she will be around for a while yet, :D post-31607-1275784982_thumb.jpg

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Grumpy is now 14.5 years. He's a bit, well, grumpy (!) and his eyesight's fading. He's physically healthy; he came belting into the loungeroom before to see what I was up to and when he found me on the Internet, decided to ransack the bathroom (bathroom door now shut).

Hmmmm, Benson does that. He checks where we are and that we are suitably absorbed in what we're doing before he raids the kitchen bin. I kinda hoped he'd outgrow it but I think not.

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  GayleK said:
Hmmmm, Benson does that. He checks where we are and that we are suitably absorbed in what we're doing before he raids the kitchen bin. I kinda hoped he'd outgrow it but I think not.

Grumpy does it to get my attention.

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we HAD a black Border collie x German shepherd lived till 17! x but no, oldest at the moment only 7!

our cat we had to get put down the other day was over 15 years though too, they hold on! x

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Rover was my oldest at nearly 20 when he had to be helped to the Bridge in September of last year. I had him for only 3 of those years and frankly he was amazing. I thought he would go on forever, but as happens when someone is of a great age, the wheels just fell off and he went downhill very very quickly. :D :)


Edited by Mother Moocher
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My darling Kelpie Jess is 17 years old, she is blind, deaf as a post and on metacam for her arthritis but she is still top dog here and loves a little walk or drive in the car.

Here is a photo of Jess at a dol meet in Adelaide a few months ago.


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  Steve said:
I have a purebred beagle that's 18 and a purebred Pembroke corgi that's 20.

My oldest Maremma is purebred and is 17 in September. I also have a cat in her early 20's.

That is amazing Steve! Can we see a photo of the old corgi? :D

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  HeavyPaws said:
However, I will add that my fiance's Saint Bernard died at 16 years of age.

HeavyPaws that is double the normal for a Saint Remarkable effort My Boogie had his tenth birthday 11-03-2010.

He is poor of sight and hearing as can be well imagined. but is looking real good and moving around heaps better because he's been getting fresh baby salmon whole for about a month and he just loves them. He's always at the back gate waitng for me to see what he has for tea!

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  Steve said:
I have a purebred beagle that's 18 and a purebred Pembroke corgi that's 20.

My oldest Maremma is purebred and is 17 in September. I also have a cat in her early 20's.

Wow! Steve you must definaitly be doing something right there with so many very old golden oldies, gives me hope that I can have my furkids around for along time to come. :D

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  spoilt lab lives here said:
  love-my-dog said:
I'm very privileged to be loved by not only the oldest living Leonberger in Australia but also the Southern Hemisphere. :D

So how old is your Leo?

She is 11 years old

Still pretty active and spritely for her age :)

I know that may not seem old to some but I think the oldest living Leo in the world is only 14

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  Robbi said:
My darling Kelpie Jess is 17 years old, she is blind, deaf as a post and on metacam for her arthritis but she is still top dog here and loves a little walk or drive in the car.

Here is a photo of Jess at a dol meet in Adelaide a few months ago.


She's beautiful. I love the oldie's.

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We've had several who made it to late teens and early twenties. Matilda was about 20 and that just absolutely broke my heart when she died.I knew it was coming and just prayed it wouldn't have to be my decision - she died in her sleep. I still bawl when I think of her. She lived with me longer than my kids did. :rofl: Eddy was Mum's dog and he was also around 20.He came to live with me when Mum got too old to look after him.When my Mum died I went out to "tell eddy" and cried all over him. Next morning Eddy was dead and I had to take time before we left for the funeral to bury him. :rofl:

Henry the beagle is slowing down and I don't think he's going to make it much longer so again I'm praying that it happens without me having to make the call.

I think Eddy's daughter Suzie though will maybe out live me - she is 20 on the first of August and still sees her major job in life is to keep the sparrows away. :rolleyes: She's slower and less alert but she's not bad.

Part of what I've selected for - for around 35 years - is a strong immune system and longevity and there's a lot of science which has gone into the diet and vaccinations, chemicals etc.

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  mars said:
I have a dobe girl who is only 6 and I am so hoping she lives a very long life, would love to know from any other dobe owners if they have had or have a dobe live well into double figures. (fingers crossed).


I have a Dobe. Girl who is 12 and still going strong and we expect ours to live to 14 on past experience.

My 1st dog,a collie cross lived to 18 years.He saw me through my childhood and the birth of my children.Very sadly missed to this day.

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I had an Australian Terrier (Kelly) growing up who lived to 17 1/2. He was quite sprightly right up until he died, only was a little blind as he had cataracts (I think). He died due to cutting his paw on something and contracting septisemia, which we discovered too late so he had to be pts ;(

My avatar girl,(also Kelly- my husband and I had dogs with the same name when we met) a BC x kelpie lived to almost 16, again very active until the last month or so. She had heart failure in the end, but the day before she left us she was chasing balls at the park!

Both of my Kellys are sorely missed

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