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Building Drive & Focus With Bernhard Flinks

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Hey Guys,

Just wondering if anyone has this dvd that i could possibly borrow or get a copy of? Im happy to pay for your time, dvd and postage. I have a 2 year old GSD that has great potentional for the trial ring but the problem at the moment is his focus and ive heard such great things about this DVD.

If anyone can help, id be very thankful!!

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Hey Guys,

Just wondering if anyone has this dvd that i could possibly borrow or get a copy of? Im happy to pay for your time, dvd and postage. I have a 2 year old GSD that has great potentional for the trial ring but the problem at the moment is his focus and ive heard such great things about this DVD.

If anyone can help, id be very thankful!!

I've seen the DVD. Might be able to get it from Leerberg in the States. Ivan BALABANOV has two DVD's that are probably just as good if not better. One is called Obedience without conflict and the other is called the game. Very good and he trains using a lot of drive type of rewards.

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Thanks Malinworx...

i have a couple of the leerburg dvds and i do enjoy them, but would really like something that focus' more on focus work (no pun intended :rofl:) I could order them but would have to win tattslotto first at this stage was just wondering if there was any kind DOLers that could help. :)

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