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Puppy Acting Weird Recently


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Oreo is slightly older than 4 months old and he knows to go outside for toilet. I usually bring him out for toilet every 2 hours and I make sure he peed outside before he is let in. But these few days, he has been running around and peeing everywhere in the house. I will use tissue to make it dry and then spray Urine Off to clear the smell. No particular spot in the house therefore I think he is not attracted to the wee smell on a particular spot.

For example, just now I brought him out at 1.30am for wee and he came back in. He then ran around the house (he is a BC so I suppose it is usual) then at 2.00am, he suddenly just wee again (quite a lot as well). We just found another wee on his bed in the living room. Is he marking his territory? If not, what could be the issue? Maybe he is too tired that he could not control his bladder?

PS: I bring him for walk (2x30mins walk each day), I train him (an hour a day) and play with him(few hours). I also give him a lot of toys to play with and things to chew as well. So I suppose he received enough mental and physical stimulation.

Thanks in advance.

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If he is marking it will usually only be a little bit, Id take him to the vet and make sure there is nothing physically wrong before you put it down to something behavioural. Can he hold on for more than the 2 hours? if he cant it may well be something physical like a UTI

Edited by GoldenGirl85
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He contracted UTI before he came to me. His wee was orange in colour that time. Therefore I always look at the wee when he does it and its does not appear like before. He also doesn't appear to be in pain when wee-ing. Maybe I will bring to wee every 1.5 hour and see how it goes. Maybe I didnt just catch his signal well. I will uipdate after 2 days and if he still continue to be like that, I will bring him to the vet to make sure he is alright.

He is entire and I am going to desex him.

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He contracted UTI before he came to me. His wee was orange in colour that time. Therefore I always look at the wee when he does it and its does not appear like before. He also doesn't appear to be in pain when wee-ing. Maybe I will bring to wee every 1.5 hour and see how it goes. Maybe I didnt just catch his signal well. I will uipdate after 2 days and if he still continue to be like that, I will bring him to the vet to make sure he is alright.

He is entire and I am going to desex him.

I think a pup of that age should be able to hold on for more than 2 hours, not necessarily all day but more than 2 hours, which is why Im suggesting a medical issue

Blood in the urine isnt the only symptom of a UTI, it could be painful for him to pass so he doesnt completely empty his bladder, hence the need to relieve himself sooner than he should, you have no way of knowing if he is in no pain when passing urine, unless of course your dog has the ability to tell you that it stings when he pees, but Im guessing he isnt. Id take him to the vet and get him checked out, could be any one of a number of issues with his bladder, its worth getting that checked first

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