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I have always upheld that "banning" not only doesn't solve anything, it depletes an information source. DOL is a fantastic place for dog lovers and enthusiasts to come and learn. In the meantime, it is an opportunity to promote pure breeds and educate as to the reasons why.

Nothing much gained if we can only speak to the already converted (and that relates to ANY topic).

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It's more the anti-breeder/anti-pedigree sentiment that concerns me and it's starting to rear it's ugly head again.

Let them come, though, SBT123. If something is the ultimate "right" then debate will always win out. And people reading will learn through that debate, even if some of the anti-breeder/anti-pedigree posters don't (although even some of those might change their minds or at least begin to recognise and understand points of view from 'the other side'.

To clarify my point : As most of you are aware, I have campaigned against the current Victorian law which bans the use of PPCollars. Won't go into the 'why I think they shouldn't be banned' as that's not relevant here. BUT, as a result of the campaign and that I have publicly advocated PPCollars, I have been refused renewed membership by the APDT. That's their prerogative, but how is that going to help them work to convert me to their views? If their view was foolproof and the absolute "right" then they'd be able to very clearly and strongly debate against any of the 'argument' I put up in favour of the PPCollar. But instead, I was refused entry and invite to their various seminars by the very refusal of membership. That is hardly going to produce a convert. And even if it didn't - IF they are so "right", then they shouldn't be concerned about me :rofl:.

Edited by Erny
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It's more the anti-breeder/anti-pedigree sentiment that concerns me and it's starting to rear it's ugly head again.

Maybe I haven't read all the threads but I've spent a lot of time on the boards since getting my puppy and I've learned so much from all the people on the forum with experience. I feel quite humbled when I read about all the time and effort the breeders on this forum spend on their dogs. I have a mongrel puppy now and when I was a kid we also had a mutt - a pure-bred/pedigree dog always seemed to be something very extravagant/beyond our reach/luxurious so it was never something I would have considered... much like a yacht or chateau or something :rofl: It was only after joining this forum that I realised the ongoing support and assistance that many breeders give their puppies even after they have gone to new homes. Before being on this forum, I had been one of the people who assumed that mongrels were healthier having heard all about HD in GSDs etc and it was only after reading more on this forum that I realised that this isn't necessarily the case and it depends on the breeds being mixed etc.

I knew when I joined the forum that it was a pure breed dog forum but I read enough before posting to see that the posters were helpful and welcoming of all people, including mutt-owners which is the only reason I dared to post. Sometimes more negative posts sound like they're dominating discussions, but I hope you know that there are probably a lot of mutt-owners like me who are pleased to be permitted to participate and learn.

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Talking about cross-breeding allows us to educate people on why it isn't good and to examine the old myths.

Cross a labrador with a poodle because you want a non-shedding coat and the stable labby intelligence, and you are just as likely to get a woolly sheddy coat, the neurotic temperament of the most badly-bred poodle, and dodgy hips.

People need to be aware of this stuff. :rofl:

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sometimes i think people loose sight of what's important.....

this comes with a warning i tend not to be eloquent and have a hard time making my point with out it coming out wrong.

i feel the forum is to help all people but often (i can think of the poster jamieson) who come in here asking for help and leave feeling..... like a bad person. that poster needed help re welping and the focus turned to the fact or not if there was a prefix.

a prefix or not cannot change the (outcome) dog was having pups, but some of the talk gave an impression of the person being a byb for money. it is very easy to see someones circumstances on the other side of the computer.... i find its not! but some others do! the poster no matter how genuine may have been put off even trying to go down the right path in the future.

me i have found most advice and comment to be great and different ways of doing things really helpful. good practise applies to both pb and mogrels equally. i see the fourm of a way of helping people no matter what sort of dog they own.

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The what cross dog is this is a bit silly, its a mongrel. With all this designer dog fad trend people seem to want to know & it is anyones guess really, maybe we should all just reply its a mongrel, problem solved :rofl:

I so agree with this. I have a mutt, I love her to bits and couldn't care less what she is. So many people seem to think their mutts are a cross of 2 purebred dogs, well most are not, they are bitzers, heinze 57 varieties. If people want to know what breed their dog is then they need to buy a registered dog, otherwise accept you have a mutt and move on.

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