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Lab Experts And Lab Mix Experts


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Just to satisfy my own curiosity, I am going to have him tested with that BITSA thing....assuming it works

Save your money - you will have gotten a more accurate guess from this thread than you will from that test.

My guess is also some staffie or rotti in there. I had a lab x staffie as a kid and she looked a lot like him, she also had the white patch on her chest. She was lovely to our family but she didnt like strangers at all!

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Just to satisfy my own curiosity, I am going to have him tested with that BITSA thing....assuming it works

Save your money - you will have gotten a more accurate guess from this thread than you will from that test.

My guess is also some staffie or rotti in there. I had a lab x staffie as a kid and she looked a lot like him, she also had the white patch on her chest. She was lovely to our family but she didnt like strangers at all!

Not saying he is one, but purebred labs can have a white mark on their chest, it is even permissible (though not desirable) in the show ring, so that in itself doesn't mean much.

I would say Lab x Rottie because of the head shape and ears.

Don't waste your money on the Bitsa test.

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Could you edit the title of this thread please?

Opinions from "lab mix experts" wouldn't be welcome here.

Your 'lab' looks more like a lab than some I have seen sold as labs.

It could be a mix, or it could just be from a long line of byb badly bred lab-type dogs.

It doesn't matter at all what your dog is. Just enjoy its company. In general, dogs are most likely to have the traits of the breeds they most resemble. But not always.

Threads like these are a bit of a waste of time, because we could throw guesses all day and you still have a lab cross that can't really be described as much else.

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