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How To Correct A "delicate" Dog?

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Ive had two rescue dogs and they sometimes got the "dithers".

They may have missed the command - for whatever reason - and then they start second guessing, what does she want me to do, was I suppose to do something, am I doing the right thing, will I get into trouble, Oh God, I think I will just stand here . . .

so with those two, if they looked confused or didnt do what I wanted, I just gave them the command again, making sure that they were paying attention this time. I find that correction has to be given very carefully.

Just a tip with a young retriever if you want to serious undertake obedience etc. I dont always use the official commands ie drop stay - I am saving these for when I will teach them for perfection compared to just sitting anywhich way , or wait which I use a lot around the house. When my pups brain grows up enough, I will then introduce the correct command and the correct response.

All dogs and breeds are different, what works for the collies etc wont work for the retirevers - you need to adjust your methods

I have a 6 month old Alpha Golden male who I am having to battle with to regain dominance, as I treated him as a dear little puppy who needed encouragement etc when he came to me at 4 months. I misread the situation completely and am now playing catch up. all my old methods are out the window with this one!!

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