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Recommend A Trainer/behaviourist In Adelaide?


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I have an out of control little dog.

He jumps, doesn't sit or stay or come, pulls on the lead, has dog aggresion.. But worst of all barks like crazy. He barks all day when we are out (as told by the neighbours), he barks at anything that moves on our walks, barks at dogs barking on tv and barks when anyone comes near the front door. Worst of all he barks from the beginning of group training to the end and I dont think we are learning much and neither is anyone else because of it.

I am at a loss of what to do... the first ones I can deal with but the barking is driving my batty.

I am really trying my best but its not enough. it is putting the biggest strain on my relationship :(

So I am thinking it would really help if I got someone to come to the house and do me up a plan and do some work on him etc in a one on one environment.

So can anyone reccomend a company or person with proven experience in adelaide? Has anyone used bark busters?


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Contact Mark Singer. http://caninetraining.com.au/

"Bark Busters" is a franchise name only. There's lots of "Bark Buster" companies around. Just because it might be well known, that's only because of advertising the name. It doesn't give you any guarantee or assurance that the actual person who works with you and your dog know what they are doing, have any or much expertise or have more than one rabbit to pull out of their hat to suit your dog.

Edited by Erny
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