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Ready To Welcome A Puppy Into The Home Too!


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After today's visit to Castle Hill, I met my first bunch of Lappies!

Soaks being all sooky and hurt swayed OH almost immediately

Me: Wai, what breed do you prefer?

Wai: Ahsoka

Me: No, That's her name, what type?

Wai: Ahsoka

However, Keesie puppies are just too cute... I never had a chance to have a Keesie puppy! I think I need to hug hug keesie puppies and hug hug Lappie puppies. haha oh and samoyed puppies too :thumbsup:

only met ally and she's beeuuuttifulll

can anyone help?

HAHAHA.. the boyfriend and i had the same conversation after meeting Corvus's Kivi (this was pre Emmy)

Him: I think the next dog we get will be a Kivi

Me: You want a Finnish Lapphund?

Him: No. I want a Kivi

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Haha so when wil you be getting your Kivi?

I still can't decide though!!

keesie puppies are so cute!!

I am sure it will all become clear to you at the Lappie picnic when you are surrounded by them lol!! I personally think Demi will be your favourite but dont tell anyone when I am right lol!!!!



Edited by woofenpup
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Personally, although I love Lappies... There is nothing cuter than a Keeshond puppy.

But - rather than deciding based on which breed is the cutest as a pup - decide which adult you would prefer. They're going to be an adult for much longer than they will be a puppy.

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I have to say, the Lappie puppies are so cute. I was overwhelmed by cuteness when we got Akira, but the Lappie puppies are just as cute.

But - rather than deciding based on which breed is the cutest as a pup - decide which adult you would prefer. They're going to be an adult for much longer than they will be a puppy.

Agreed. We had decided on a Husky before even seeing what they looked like as puppies and had decided that we liked the breed and how they looked as adults. And then we saw the puppies and fell even more in love. :laugh:

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That's the tough part too as adults....

I have a keeshond, and I love her to death, but lappies LIKE to cuddle for long periods of time!!

I discussed with my sister and her bf who live with me and take care of hazel. They were saying they like how Hazel is stranger-unfriendly...

in saying that,

do Lappies like everyone but love their owner

or do they love everyone?

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Lappies generally love everyone. Keeshonds tend to bond to a single person or family.

I wouldn't say Hazel was stranger unfriendly - she warmed up to people after a little while! Nothing wrong with that!

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Definitely love everyone. Kivi would go home with anyone that made eye contact with him. :laugh: He'd probably be happy, too, provided they spent time with him and fed him. Erik is completely different. He doesn't really want to be petted by strangers and avoids it. Once he knows someone he's pretty friendly. It's kinda nice having the contrast. On the weekend we met some little kids and they wanted to pat the dogs, so I had Kivi who was happy to sit down and let a small boy he'd never met play with his face and make weird noises at him, and Erik, who at first stayed clear but presently decided small boys were very interesting and he should try to figure them out. I like that I've got a bombproof dog for the people to be distracted by, giving Erik the time he needs to decide whether he wants to be social or not. :) I wouldn't mind if I didn't have any social dogs, but it makes life easier to have one, especially when he's so pretty and cuddly. :laugh:

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Lappies generally love everyone. Keeshonds tend to bond to a single person or family.

I wouldn't say Hazel was stranger unfriendly - she warmed up to people after a little while! Nothing wrong with that!

that was cos she realised she was missing out on treats!!

I agree with you corvus about how life is so much easier having a people-friendly dog...

but my sister reckons they'll love others more than you? :( (cuddles from her is the same as cuddles from you!! etc etc)

Wonder, is it possible to train a keesie puppy to grow up to be a snuggle bunny?

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Haha so when wil you be getting your Kivi?

I still can't decide though!!

keesie puppies are so cute!!

We didn't get a Kivi... we end up getting and Emmy instead.. :(

Wonder, is it possible to train a keesie puppy to grow up to be a snuggle bunny?

Anything is possible :rofl:

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I agree with you corvus about how life is so much easier having a people-friendly dog...

but my sister reckons they'll love others more than you? :( (cuddles from her is the same as cuddles from you!! etc etc)

I dunno. I often say that Kivi would happily be rehomed with anyone that would feed him and give him cuddles, but when it comes down to it we're the ones that feed him and train him and take him places. He gives the appearance of loving everyone the same, but we are a little bit special. If he was getting cuddles and we walked away, he'd come after us. We're his family after all. He'll let anyone cuddle him and will approach anyone and give them the same happy look that we get from him, but he won't follow them anywhere we're not going.

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The boys are more cuddle bums than the girls Lyn.

The standoffish side of Kees comes from being bred for watch dog duties. You dont want a watch dog that runs and kisses the robber climbing onto your barge, or coming onto your farm. You want them to bark first, and give out kisses later. So that is what they were like.

Harry was not at his most people friendly on Saturday, he was smitten with Hazel and was not interested in saying hello to the people. I think he was in love. He loves the lady dogs :laugh:

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We didn't get a Kivi... we end up getting and Emmy instead.. :laugh:

Haha well Emmy's beautiful too!!

Wonder, is it possible to train a keesie puppy to grow up to be a snuggle bunny?

Anything is possible :D

Hope so!

Corvus: looking forward to meeting yourself, erik and kivi next month!

The boys are more cuddle bums than the girls Lyn.

The standoffish side of Kees comes from being bred for watch dog duties. You dont want a watch dog that runs and kisses the robber climbing onto your barge, or coming onto your farm. You want them to bark first, and give out kisses later. So that is what they were like.

Harry was not at his most people friendly on Saturday, he was smitten with Hazel and was not interested in saying hello to the people. I think he was in love. He loves the lady dogs :laugh:

I had to laugh when I read that.

I just need to find keeshond puppies to cuddle to compare with lappie puppies to cuddle...

So that's why hazel barks first and then kisses later....

hahahahha Harry is a beautiful boy!! but much more sedate than I expected!!

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Hahaha yes Harry has settled down a lot, its either age, finding a diet that suits him, or a bit of both, but he is a much happier boy. Still hates the heat with a passion. It was too hot for him on Saturday with the sun out! Get him on a cold, wet, miserable day, and he is in his element.

You should have come and had baby keesie cuddles while you were there :mad Of if you can wait a while, you are welcome to come and cuddle my next litter. I have plans for 2 in the latter half of this year, just need my girls to cooperate with me!

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I wouldnt let you NOT Nik! LOL

We just have to have collective prayers that my girls cooperate! Last time I tried Brie she missed, and Sarah has never had a litter.

Oh and Harry loves the water, but that comes from his mum and grandmother, its a line of water babies. But yeah hates the sun, and showing in sunshine goes so much against his nature!

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