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Weird Eyes


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My 11 yo GR eye was looking strange, her 3rd eye lid seems to be up??? and droopey ,her whole left hand side of her face has dropped and she is dribbling. took her to the vet who said she has an ear infection and she might also have bells palsy. Now her right eye also seems to be going the same way. She doesnt seem to happy, she has epilespy, arthritis, a UTI and an ear infection. Is her time getting near?


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Well the UTI and ear infection are totally curable so I wouldn't be taking them into account in deciding if her 'time is near', I'd be fixing them.

Arthritis and epilepsy are both treatable, so for me the question there would be if the treatment enables them to be effectively managed so she has a reasonable quality of life.

As for not being happy - well I'd not be happy if I had a UTI and sore ear either.

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